Chapter 22

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Ashton looked like someone had told him that he was an orphan. He looked stricken and below that hurt. Very hurt.
I pushed Kaden away and started towards him but he turned away and started walking.
"Ashton! Ashton! Please listen to me. It isn't what you think-"
"It is exactly what I think it is. For god's sake,Alison. I suspected that something was up between you and him but this? This? If you like him so much then why did you not just break up with me and call it quits?"
With that, he turned and without even a glance in my direction he walked off. Taking my heart with him.
It has been a month. Exactly a month since Ashton walked away from me at that party and took my heart with himself.
A month since I've become like a robot. I study, force eat and sleep.
Life is too boring for me. No, life is plain hell for me. I don't have anything to take my mind of Ashton. I see him everyday at school.
He looks just like I do, pale, thin and drawn with dark circles under his eyes.
I wish I had the guts to go talk to him but I don't think that he wants to see me, let alone hear me.
I stare off into space as the teacher drones on about calculus.
Thank god, it's the last period.
I suddenly get a flashback to homecoming.
I keep my face buried in my blanket so that Lily won't be able to see my tears.
She finally manages to pry the blanket off of me.
"Ali, what's the matter? Tell me. Come on, Ali, tell me what it is? Who's ass do I need to kick?"
I let out a sob and Lily pulls me in for a hug.
"Ashton broke up with me," I whispered.
"What?"she nearly shrieked. I let out another sob and start telling her everything.
After hearing it, she says,"Well, he didn't really break up with you considering that he didn't say the actual words but get over it. You don't deserve a douche bag who doesn't trust you."
"No, you don't understand! I love him! I really really love him," I whispered.
"What!"now she is yelling. "You say that you love Kaden then you say that you love Ashton, make up your fucking mind! Did you know that I really really liked Kaden but ever since you told me that you liked him, I tried my best to forget him but now you're saying that you love Ashton! This so not a ducking joke Alison! It's not! You're playing with three hearts over here. Stop being so fucking selfish and make up your fucking mind."
I stare at her in shock but before I can say anything, she grabs her bag and stalks out.
I cry some more when I hear a knock on my room door. I ignore it and keep up my pity party.
The door opens and there stood the person that was the reason why all of this was happening in the first place.
"Kaden, what are you doing here?" I say stiffly. "Ali, its homecoming! Come on, get out of bed and have some fun!"
I stare at him and try to keep my anger under control. But I can't manage so I let it all out.
"You think that you kissing me last night was just a joke but get this you idiot it wasn't for some people. I t ruined my life, you ruined my life and I hate you. I really really hate you so it's better if you get the fuck and don't show me your pretty face or I won hesitate in ruining it."
"Ali," he said looking surprised. "But I heard you tell Lily that you liked me and-"
"That was wrong. I was wrong. I thought it was a crush but it wasn't even that. It was just jealousy that I didn't have relationships like you but o was very happy in my relationship until you decided to come and ruin it! Get the fuck lost,Kaden! Get lost!"
I shove his chest and push him out of the door, slamming the door on his face.
Once the anger fades, I slide down the door. I managed to ruin two friendships today.
Flashback ended.
Of course Lily being the good friend she is, apologised and helped me through my break up which I'm still not over.
She is the one who forces me to eat, threatening to tell my grandparents if I don't.
The bell rings and people rush out except me. I slowly pack away my things and get up.
In the corridor I bump into several people but once keeps me standing stock still.
It's Ashton. Being the gentleman he is, he picks my books, hands them to me without looking at me and walks off.
I sigh and continue on to my drive home.
I end up going to my grandparents house instead of my own.
I help my grandma clean up. Sleeping is not an option because it brings nightmares of ocean blue eyes.
Sitting free creates an even more vivid image of Ashton.
I try my best to engage myself in studies and not think about anything else. Since its April and exams are near, I have plenty to study.
I wipe up some dust and continue listening to grandma. She is talking about how I should come to have every meal with her.
"I'm worried about you, Alison. You don't eat well and all you ever do is study. Take care of yourself, honey."
"I do, grandma, it's just that you fm don't see me eating but I do. I really do. In fact, I'll stay tonight."
"That's my good girl," she says with a smile and goes to the kitchen to no doubt prepare something for me.
I get a text from Lily.
Lily:You good?
Me:Never been better.👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Lily:You're a horrible liar.
Lily:Let's go get 🍧
Me:I'm at grandma's. Why don't you come over?
Lily:K. I'll be there in 10.
See, this is why every girl needs a best friend line Lily. I love her so much! Kaden on the other hand refuses to swallow his pride and apologise. He gets a girl friend every single week and then dumps her.
I think it's because he wants to spite me but it doesn't really work because I don't care about him but I do care about Lily and she seems hurt every single time he posts a picture with a new girl.
I stalked Ashton too but he has not been online ever since the break up.
I wish I could talk to him but he avoids me like the plague. I can't blame him though, I was the one who hurt him.
I wish I could take it all back.
Author's Note:
Hi guys! Wow, I feel like I'm really into this story because I can just not stop writing.
Anyway, thoughts on this chapter and this book is going to come to an end soon. I know I said that I would elongate but the idea didn't turn up that good and it all went with the trash.
Anyway, thoughts on this chapter. I feel so sorry for Ashton. I hated hurting him but that's how the story has to progress.
Vote, comment and share if you think this book is worth sharing.
I'll see you guys tomorrow, hopefully.
Thank you so much for 100 votes and 800 views.
I love you all so much.

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