Chapter 15

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I am so sorry for the late update but I've been very busy. I'll try to make it up to you guys.
Picture of Maya.
Sure enough, Lily came just in time. I managed to slip out of the house past my grandma and granddad.
My mother was planning to go for another meeting so she was packing. Kaden's mom must be getting ready too.
I should wish her goodbye tomorrow morning.
I slipped outside and sat in the passenger side of Lily's car.
"In so sorry,Ali," she said. I bite my lip and she starts the engine.
"Anyways, moving on from that shitty piece of ass, I have a surprise for you."
"Oh?"is my only reaction. "Yep," of course my mood doesn't faze her.
"What is it?" "Something that will surely make your mood better."
I shrug and we fall into our usual chatting routine.
Instead of driving us to Starbucks, Lily drove us to a small cafe called '7 star.'
I turn to her in confusion but she just smiles.
We get out and I find it queer that there is only one car in the parking lot.
I ignore my weird thoughts and walk alongside Lily.
We go inside and Lily covered my eyes.
"Lily!! What the hell!!" I nearly screamed.
"Wait and watch," she said.
"I can't,"I reply. "You've covered my eyes."
I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. She released me and I opened my eyes and things slowly came back into focus.
I was surprised to see Ashton standing there holding a bouquet.
My eyes widened as realisation hit me. Sure enough, a banner behind him said,'Homecoming?'
I turned back to Ashton who came to me. "Not too cliche?" he asked me.
I shook my head,"It's just perfect. I love it! Thank you and yes. Yes I'll go to homecoming with you."
He grinned and surprised me by kissing me. I stood still for a moment but then I tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed him back.
He broke apart first but kept his hands on my waist so I moved mine around his neck.
I had a an odd feeling in my chest. It was excitement mixed with something I couldn't understand.
I looked in Ashton's deep blue eyes and smiled. They were so beautiful. It was like looking at the ocean.
"What do you say,we turn this night into a date?" I nodded and he led me to his car grinning.
Then only did I realise that Lily had left. She was quite I would give her that.
He opened the door for me and went to the other side.
"Why was the cafe empty?" I asked out of general curiosity.
"I rented it," he said. "For me?" I asked, dumbfounded. Nobody had ever done that for me.
"Only for you." "Where are we going?" I asked.
"The beach, and you're dressed perfectly."

I looked down

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I looked down. Sure enough it was the perfect outfit for a beach evening/night.
We reached the beach and it was deserted like it usually was in the evenings because it was so cold.
I followed Ashton hand in hand to the rocks where the waves crashed against them.
"I love this place," Ashton said. "I used to come here with my dad when I was a kid. Now we're both busy but we do come here every once in a while."
I nodded,"When we were kids, mine and Kaden's parents brought us here. Now, they're busy too."
He nodded in understanding,"Now we can come together." I smiled and he led me to a beautiful beach house.
"It's my dad's but he's given it to me."
I turn to the house. It is a pale rose colour and is two story. It looks even more beautiful in the sunset.
"It's beautiful," I breath out.
He smiled,"Let's go inside. Our date is inside."
He led me inside and the interior was even more beautiful. The walls were cream and the furniture was dark in contrast to them.
I looked around mesmerised. Sure I had been to a lot of beach houses but this one was my favourite so far.
It was beautiful, delicate and above all girly. I was sure that his mom had decorated it.
He led me to a room inside and I followed him still taking in my surroundings.
Ashton led me to a room and there was a table decorated with petals and candles.
It was a bit cliche but I loved it. I had to admit I would give more points to Ashton for being romantic rather than Kaden.
Kaden was not a romantic. He could kiss and do other things but this was not his forte.
We sat me down at the table and began our meal almost immediately.
I was famished and the food was great.
"So, do you think maybe you could DTR?"he asked.
DTR: define the relationship. I didn't know where we stood but I knew it was at least six steps ahead of friendship.
I told him this and he smiled,"Alison Steele, would you do me the extraordinary honour of being my girl friend?"
I was surprised. I was not expecting that. I mean I do like him but I have my insecurities and what if he-
"Alison? Are you alright?" Ashton asked me.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Yes, I would love to be your girl friend."
He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back. Surprisingly, he tasted like strawberries rather than the lamb stew that he was eating.
Just like that, in one night a boy managed to break my heart again and the other managed to help me forget it.
Author's Note:
I finally updated. I am soooo sorry you guys. You have no idea how much.
I've just been very busy but I thought I could make it up to you with an extremely romantic chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then don't forget to vote and comment and share.
I also changed the casting for Lily and Alison.
And it's Maya above.
Thank you for reading.

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