Chapter 9

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Picture of Britney
The next morning, I felt like a zombie. Mainly because,I was up late the night before watching movies on Netflix.
I trudged downstairs and ate my cereal with my hair all over the place and my face blotchy with a fresh pimple right in the middle of my forehead.
It was like: you got a date now look ugly on it.
I quickly trudged back upstairs and pulled on sweatpants and a shirt.
I need coffee because driving like this was not an option for me.
But, time as always was not on my side either.
I grabbed my keys and ran outside to find Kaden's car standing in front of my house.
When he saw me, he stepped outside with an apologetic smile.
I gave him a tentative smile of my own and stepped forward. He quickly came forward and engulfed me in his arms.
I buried my face in his chest and he murmured in my ear," I'm sorry. Sorry for ignoring you, sorry for everything. I'm sorry,Mar."
Mar was his nickname for me. It had  originated from my middle name which is Marie.
"It's alright . I missed you." He grinned down at me,"Can I make it up to you by taking you to school today?" I nodded and he took my hand and led to the passenger side. I climbed in and he came around and sat beside me in the driver's seat.
He smiled at me and then we were of.
On the ways to school- which was very short- we caught up on our lives. I told him that my parents called.
He told me that his sister who studies in a fashion designing school was doing pretty well. She hoped to visit soon.
We talked about graduation and he told me about his upcoming homecoming game.
When we reached school, Kaden surprised me by not splitting up with me but walking along with me to where Lily and Ashton were standing.
"Hi, Ali, you do not know what just happened. Jake asked me out on a date."
"That's great! Wait, who is Jake?" I asked confused.
"Oh,you forgot already. He is the guy at the beach. And he asked me on a date, the day after tomorrow."
"OMG! That is great. You can help me get ready for my date and I can help you get ready for yours."
I notice Ashton's award-winning smile when I mention the date.
Oh right,"Ashton, Kaden, Kaden, Ashton."
They do the bro hug where they first fist bump and then hug each other with one arm.
I smile and Kaden asks,"So, what is this date?"
I answer," Ashton asked me out on a date and as you know Jake asked Lily out."
Kaden's jaw clenched and he glanced  at Ashton with a cold look. With a weird look on his face, he stalks off to his friends.
"Well, what crawled up his ass and bit it," says Lily in her usual manner. I shrug and smooth out my furrowed brows.
Just then the bell rings, and we all agree to go out to Mc Donald's for lunch in Ashton's car.
At lunch, we talked about our exams. Yeah, I know. Boring. But Ash needs to catch up on his work.
Me and Lily mostly talk while Ash just devours his burger and fries.
"We could like give an hour of English to you and the calculus and math to me," Lily says.
That girl is a freaking genius. I mean of course I get good grades too but I need to pour over my calculus book to get an A.
"Seriously, Ashton, why the hell do you even need help with English?" I ask incredulously. He shrugs,"I guess because I'm too much of a coward to ask that scary teacher for the notes." I laugh and so does Lily. After finishing our lunch,we go to school.
We make it to school in record time.
I walk to my next class which is Calculus with Ashton.
We were about to take our usual seats but I suddenly tripped and fell." Oops, looks like 'Miss Oh So Important' tripped over my expensive bag," comes Britney's voice.
I grimaced, and got up with the help of Ashton's out stretched hand.
"Are you okay?"he asks concerned. I nod he leads to my desk with his hand in mine.
I'm surprised that I'm not embarrassed. Yet.
I know that she wanted to embarrass me in front of Ashton. But, she did not succeed because Ashton was the one who picked me up.
Who cares about her silly, bitchy plots anyway. For the second time this year, I throw a smirk towards Britney in calculus.
Me and Lily decided to meet up at my house at 3'o clock so that we had 4 hours to get ready.
I got in Kaden's car and sat in the passenger seat while he talked with his friends.
He was about to come to the car but Britney grabbed his face and started to suck it off.
I turned my face away from their make out fest and pull out my phone. I open Pinterest to look for date night makeup, outfit and hair.
After 10 minutes of scrolling, Kaden appeared. I turned to him and he said,"Be careful, I'm not sure that this Ashton has good feelings."
Wow. Just wow. We start talking after a day which is pretty huge for our record and he wanted to talk about my love life. Gah!
My nostrils flare,"He is much better than that Britney of yours who tried to break my nose in calc today."
"She did what?" "She did just that." "I don't wanna talk about this."
I turned towards the window,"You were the one who brought it up anyway."
I stare out of the window and think of the time we used to agree to each other's every thought.
He always took my side in arguments and never did he ever scold me.
He was my best friend. What is happening to us?
We didn't talk for the rest of the car ride.
It has been one hour and ma and Lily are arguing amongst ourselves about the outfit. She wants me to wear:

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