Chapter 23

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I woke up again with blue eyes in my head.
In my dream, Ashton was walking away from me just the way he usually did in all of my dreams. It was the exact same thing that he did at the party.
I start to sigh but quickly catch myself before I wake up my sleeping grandparents.
Yep, I've been sleeping between my grandparents in their giant bed.
I squeeze out from between them and go to my room at their house.
I throw on some random clothes and grabbing my bag pack, I go downstairs.
My grandma is of course already awake. I give her a kiss on the cheek and after giving a kiss to my sleeping grandad, I go to school.
Since, we all had dinner together, Lily stayed the night because she was home alone. We had already decided that we would go together so we did just that.
"You've still not talked to Kaden," remarked Lily.
"Well, after what he did, I don't think he deserves that," I replied stiffly.
"Ali, he didn't do that on purpose," she said trying to plead his case.
"Didn't do what on purpose? Kiss me when he already knew that I was in a relationship? He should've known better," I snap.
This shuts her up because she shoots me an apologetic look and turns up the radio before focusing back on the road.
We reach school early so I head to the library. As usual, I find Ashton there.
For the past month, I've been coming to school early because Ashton comes early to the school library and studies there.
I, on the other hand go there to stare at him. He always sits at the same table and I sit at a table to his right. In this way, I think he can't see me but I can see him.
I take a seat at my usual table and stare at him. He looked too beautiful to be a boy.
He looked up and his blue eyes came in contact with me.
Shit! He saw me. I quickly looked down only to look up again when a felt a shadow standing over me.
I looked up and him but he was already looking at me. As soon as I caught his eye, he turned and walked away
I looked at his back as he walked away. My eyes followed him all the way to the door where he turned one last time and looked at me.
I looked down at myself. I actually looked like I had dressed to impress.

I stared back,his blue eyes had no light on them and he looked sick

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I stared back,his blue eyes had no light on them and he looked sick. I began to stand up but he shook his head looking like he knew that I was coming towards him and walked away.
I sank back in my chair and my eyes found a few papers which he must have dropped and turned it so that it was right side up.
It was a picture:

And there were two more:

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And there were two more:

And there were two more:

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I felt tears in the corners of my eyes

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I felt tears in the corners of my eyes. I tried to blink them away but they started falling and before I knew it, tears were streaming down my eyes like a waterfall.
I gasped and picked up my bag before heading towards the bathroom.
I wasn't surprised when I bumped into Kaden.
"Ali?"he grabbed me by my shoulders.
"What is it? Tell me!" I ignored him and buried my face in his chest. He led me outside and I kept on crying.
He gently took the photograph for me and studied it carefully.
"Why do you think he gave this to you and why are you crying over a collage?"he asked curiously.
"Wh- he didn't give this to me. He dropped it and I picked it up.You don't know how much it meant for the both of us. You didn't because you were the one who kissed me. You think of no one but yourself," I  point a finger at him.
"Me? What did you have to do with a guy who doesn't even trust you?"he spat bitterly.
"You- Kaden, you don't know. What we both, me and you, have is not normal. Best friends do not sleep together. He had to be insecure somehow and the point isn't why he gave this to me. The point is how much I miss him. You don't know how much," I turn away from him and start walking clutching the pictures to my chest.
I love Ashton, I know this. I have ever since I made that points column in my notebook. I was just too much of a coward to admit it.
I wish I could somehow, one way or another. Just one way.
I'm still staying at my grandparents' house so it isn't possible for me to scream.
I already had to make a hundred excuses as to why I ditched school.
The pictures Ashton gave me are laid out in front of me. I turn them over in hopes of looking for a message.
Instead, a small mark catches my eye. It says 2 copies each.
Well, that gave me absolutely n-
Oh god, it means that he also has a copy of the exact same photo.
But why would he need two photos? Maybe, he dropped these on purpose, to make me see that our relationship meant a lot to him.
Oh god, I love him so much he doesn't know how much.
I love him so much, I will never forget him. I slide the pictures under my pillow and burrow myself deep in it.
A few months later.
Prom, that's all anybody will ever talk about. Everybody! Even Lily!
Well, she has a right to considering that Kaden finally asked her out.
It happened when they wanted to get me out of my misery. They teamed up against me and took me to a movie and somehow ended up kissing each other.
I'm happy for them. They make an awesome pair. The green-eyed couple.
Speaking of couple, I haven't dated ever since the incident. I've become the old Alison who doesn't do anything but study, eat and sleep.
There is a buzz around the school. There is only on person whom I want to go to prom with but he unfortunately hates me. Maybe he doesn't but I sure as hell am still madly in love with him.
Just looking at him makes my heart beat faster.
I walk out of the school and something caches my eyes.
Ashton. Of course it's Ashton. He's crossing the road.
I watch mesmerised as he walks quickly but briskly. That's when I hear the shouts. I look around and find a car heading straight for Ashton.
No! Someone screams. I think it's me but that what makes Ashton turn and before I knew it, the car had hit him and there was a pool of blood.
Author's Note:
Don't kill me please! I didn't want to but I just had to do that.
I'm really sad. You don't know how much. I have fallen in love with these characters and I don't like hurting them but alas!
Anyways, back to the point, did you like this chapter? If you did then don't forget to vote comment and share this book.
Comment what you think is going to happen next and I'll see you guys tomorrow.
P.S:Thanks for 877 reads and 151 votes.
P.P.S:This story is going to come to an end within the next two to three chapters.😢😢😢😢😥😥😭😭😵
I love you all.

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