Chapter 5

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I woke up to someone groaning. I opened my eyes and saw Kaden's arm draped over my chest. I heaved it off because it was too heavy and was making it difficult to breath.
I got off the couch and walked upstairs to my room. There I changed into a cute top with shorts which Lily had bought me yesterday. (Picture above)
It was too hot in Georgia to wear jeans and shirt today though the weather is usually pretty cold in February.
I did light makeup and pulled my hair into a braided ponytail:

I did light makeup and pulled my hair into a braided ponytail:

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After getting ready, I went downstairs to fix breakfast. Kaden was sitting on the couch with his head resting back.
He lifted his head when he heard my footsteps. "Morning," I greeted. I got a grunt in response. I went to kitchen and found Athena cooking breakfast. "Good morning," she greeted. I greeted her back.
She put a plate of pancakes in front of me and I decided to tell her that I wouldn't be home all day.
"Me and Kaden are spending the whole day together so I probably won't be home all day." "Oh that's fine, honey, I have to go to my sister's singing performance today anyway," she replied.
"Oh really, what is she singing?"" I really don't know," she replied. I chuckled and she set down another plate of chocolate pancakes beside me just as Kaden entered.
After sharing a quick greeting with him, she left both of us to some privacy.
"So, where are we going?" "It's a surprise," he replied with a mouthful of pancakes. I pout and continue to eat.
He gets up while I'm still eating," I'm going to go change and pick you up in 10 minutes, be ready." I nod and he leaves, closing the door behind him.
I think about him, why does he have to be so hot. Even with bed head hair! My hair looks like a bird's nest in the morning and I'm not even near to perfect as he is. He is like a Greek god while I'm just a puny mortal.
It is plain as day why every girl literally falls at his feet. I used to despise them but now I am one of them. I feel sad all of a sudden and really lonely too. I might have friends but they do not fill up the space that are my parents'.
They can be like family but not really family. I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish Kaden was my boyfriend. I wish he knew that I liked him and then ask me to be his girlfriend but of course, what I actually want never happens to me.
I sigh and put my plate in the sink along with Kaden's.  I go upstairs to grab my bag and come downstairs again and then slip out. I look out and see that Kaden's car is not in its usual spot.
That's weird. I look at my phone and it displays a notification on the lock screen. It's a text from Kaden. I open it and it says: Britney called to say that she needs to go out and needs a ride. I can't make it today, sorry. I❤️u.
I feel like the dam inside of me is about to burst. He left. He left without even seeing me or telling me face to face.
I open the door and run upstairs to my room. That bitch, how dare she do that. And wanting a ride is a lame excuse to see him considering the fact that she has her own car.
I hate her, God I hate her. I wish she eats her own wormy hair and dies . Ugh and Kaden, could he not tell her that he had plans with me today.
I hate both of them. To hell with them. I called Lily, she being the good friend she is, picked up on the second ring. "Hey, what's up?"" I'm coming over," I said. "Sure, I'll see you there." I hang up and walk out with my car keys. I get into my Audi and drive to Lily's house.
At Lily's house after telling her everything.
"That jerk and that stupid bitch," she said angrily. I couldn't agree more."You're stupid too, Ali." "What, me?" "Yes, why do you have to like a jerk like him. He may be your best friend but to him his bratty bitch of a girl is more important . I mean , how could he do that? All he sees is that cotton brained worm headed girl who by the way is totally jealous of you. Wait, you know what, she must have said in pitchy  voice ,'Babe, you hardly spend time with me. You're with that Alison all the time.'" I boiled up," So? He could not tell her that I'm his best friend and that he needs to spend time with me too?" "I don't know, Ali and I'm sorry that your crush plus best friend is a sore loser but you know what, screw them, screw both of them and lets spend some time to ourselves."
"Yeah, you're right. And they are not worth our time, breath and voice. By the way, how's Aunt Hailey?"
Aunt Hailey was Lily's mother. She was a sweet lady who was my mother's bestie. Surprise, surprise, my mom has a best friend. She is a nice mother but some of my dad's jerkiness has rubbed off on her and she is a lot like him but she used to be much nicer. Now, she just calls which she hasn't done for a week but she is her old self whenever she is with Aunt Hailey.
Anyways, back to my aunt. She is a nice lady who works as a personal assistant for my mom at her office here in Georgia. She didn't work until Lily's dad left them a year and a half ago. She was in so much shock that she couldn't speak up until now. The only reason my mom paid her was for being hired. She was a sick leave and it didn't really matter that she was not working since my mom was hardly ever at her office in Georgia.
Lily loved her mom to death and took care of her since she had no other siblings and she never really liked her dad.
"She's fine, still not speaking but better. The doctor said that she should be speaking by next month because she is rasping." I nodded and said,"Then let's go and see her." We went to the living room and she was lying on the couch with her eyes closed.
Lily gently shook her mother and she opened her eyes. I bent do hug her and she wrapped her arms around me.
"How are you?" I questioned. She nodded and said something in a raspy voice which I did not catch. Me and Lily continued a one-sided conversation with her.
I stayed with them the whole day, having lunch and dinner at their house.
That night, after getting a hug and a kiss on the forehead by Lily's mom, I felt slightly better and fell asleep wishing my mom was here to pull me in her arms and kiss the top of my head.
Author's Note:
So, did you like it? If you did then don't forget to vote, comment and share.
I want to thank all of those who read my book and helped me achieve 68 reads (that's what it was the last time I checked) in just 3 days. Thank you.
I love you all.

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