Chapter 6

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I woke up to my stupid alarm blaring. I hit the snooze button but that stupid thing starts ringing again. God!
I get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, almost falling face-first when I walked straight into yesterday's shoes.
I wash my face, brush my hair and apply a minimum amount of makeup. I quickly pull on my clothes and rush downstairs.

After swallowing a toast, I rush outside and see Kaden's car with his hand over the horn

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After swallowing a toast, I rush outside and see Kaden's car with his hand over the horn. I ignore him and walk to my car so that I can drive myself to school.
Before he can stop me, I step on the gas and speed off to school.
The drive to school is short and I quickly get out and go to my locker and get my books. Lily comes beside me as her locker is right beside mine.
"You okay?" she asks. I nod and reply," Yep. Never been better."
She grins,"Let's go to the beach tomorrow, wear the bikinis that you never wear and show Kaden what he's missing."" Are we trying to make Britney jealous of me so that she lashes out at me and then Kaden breaks up with her?"" You, my darling are a fucking genius."
Our little talk was interrupted by a very blue-eyed boy." Hi, Alison," he said.
I must have looked confused because he said," We met at that party. The one where you ran away like Cinderella but sadly, you did not leave a shoe."
I laughed,"Yeah, I think- oh you're Ashton, the guy I danced with."" The one and only," he grinned.
Lily cleared her throat,"Ali, you wanna tell me something?"" Ooh yeah, Lily this is Aston Jacobs and Ashton this is Lily Jones."
"Hi," they both say in unison. I laugh and say," So, what is the one and only Ashton doing at our little school, gracing us humble beings with your presence?" He chuckled,"I just transferred here because my old school was trash to say the least. I like The Georgian High School better than Little Cove High School already."" Really, so soon?" Lily asks.
"Yep," he replied." For one,it has pretty girls like you."
I swear that Lily blushed and of course so did I . But, Lily never blushes. She never giggles and most of all, she never gets pushed by anyone. If you push her over the limit, she will go far enough to kick you where the sun never shines.
"So, I was wondering, that there is a beach party, tomorrow after school. You wanna come?" Ashton asks.
Lily gapes," We were going to the beach tomorrow anyway so I guess we are on." Ashton smiles and the hallway lights up, I mean the bell rang.
He waved to us and we departed to our classes.
At lunch.
I pay for my lunch and walk to our table. I put my tray down on the table and sit down. Lily and Ashton are talking.
My other friends including Lana, Amelia and Joseph are talking amongst each other. Two other chairs stand empty. On on either side of me.
I start up a conversation with everyone about tomorrow's party and Ashton invites our other friends there too.
Beside me, Kaden plops on the chair and a high pitch voice says," Oh my god, Alison, you need to move. I need to sit with my babe."
I roll my eyes and continue eating. Ashton is looking at Britney, and that's a first people, with disgust.
I bite my lip to stop my laughter and am about to say something when,"Why did you not wait for me this morning?"
I smile a sickly sweet smile and turn to Kaden," You kept me waiting then left me hanging. I did the same to you. Payback is a bad bitch," I retort smartly.
He looks surprised and so does Britney. She's still standing, waiting for me to move.
I turn to Ashton," This is Kaden and that is Britney."
See what I did there, I didn't even hint that we were friends or anything like that.
He nods at Kaden and they greet each other. I notice that Kaden greets him a little stiffly.
Britney said in her bitchy 'seductive voice',"So, you're Ashton?" Ashton frowns I mean isn't it obvious, I just introduced him. Whatever, she is cotton-headed after all.
"Yeah," he replies." There is this party at the beach tomorrow and I get to invite guests, do you wanna come?" she continues.
Lily snorts and I almost do too but I hold myself. Ashton smiles with one corner of his mouth.
"I arranged that party with my friends," he says. She blushes and Kaden cleats his throat.
I purse my lips and the tension at the table increases so much that you cut it with a knife. I ignore it and continue eating.
"Alisonnnn!" It's Britney. "Why won't you move?"she asked in a squeaky voice. I ignore her and she whines," You see Kade, this is how she treats me."
I expect him to defend me but instead he sighs and follows her as she walks off. Correction: stomps off.
Asshole. I bite my lip and glance over at Lily, she is glaring at Kaden's back.
If looks could kill, Kaden would be dead.
Ashton probably senses the tension because,"Guys, I really need to catch on some work so you guys mind helping me?"
Joseph who is a complete nerd asks," Which subjects?"" Everything," is his simple reply.
We all decide which subjects who is going to tutor him for. I get English because it's my strong point.
The bell rings and we all go our respective classrooms. I have pre-calculus.
I reach the class and sit down. I have this class with both Britney and Kaden. O hey, look. Ashton's here too. He walks in , sees me, flashes me a smile and comes to sit beside me.
I see Britney glare at me from the corner of my eyes. I smirk and the teacher enters.
And that my friends, begins the torturous hour of math.
Author's Note:
Picture of Ashton above. Did you like it? If you did then don't be shy and vote , comment and share. I love you guys.
OMG! You guys gave me 102 reads in just 5 days and I love you for that. Thank you so much.

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