Chapter 21

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It is finally game day. I am currently sitting at our table in the cafeteria talking to Lily since Ashton was sitting with the football players and discussing game strategies.
I looked over to him to find him already looking at me. He smiled at me and turned back to a guy who was saying something to him.
I smile and turn when Lily says,"Girl, you are smitten." "I'm not," I replied quickly and bit into my pizza.
"Hmm. By the way, you look hot wearing this jersey."
Right, I was wearing Ashton's jersey which was pretty huge on me.
I look down at myself and shrug. I gotta go. I need to return a book to the library.
I pick up my bag and go to my locker.
I find the book and turn around only to be trapped in someone's arms. I'd know that scent anywhere. I look up and sure enough it's Ashton.
"Hi,beautiful," he smiles down at me.
"Hi," I say, a little breathless.
He grins,"Where are you going?" "To the library," I reply,still a little breathless.
"Can I have a good luck kiss because I'm going to be seeing you right before the game?"he asks.
I reply by leaning into him and we kiss passionately. He licks my lips and allow him to enter my mouth.
We keep on missing until somebody clears their throat.
We both spring apart and there stands Kaden looking uncomfortable and if I'm not wrong,a little hurt.
"Hey,Mar. Ashton, we need to go," he says stiffly.
Ashton nods and pecks me on the lips,"Bye,Alice."
"Good luck and bye,"I grin at him and watch him walk away.
I gently press on my lips and drop the library book. I shake my head and pick it up before making my way to the library.
The game has finally ended and I am standing here, waiting where Ashton told me to wait for him. Our team won.
The crowd went wild when Kaden passed the ball to Ashton who in turn scored the winning goal.
I scream when I feel hands on my waist. It's Ashton. Of course it is.
"Hi,Alice," he said smiling at me and kissing my cheek.
"You were amazing! I loved the game and I'm glad that I came," I said with a grin.
He grinned back and kissed me. I kissed him back and he lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist.
We broke apart for breath and he grinned at me.
"There's a party tonight. Wanna come?"
"In not sure," I reply. "Come on, we met at a party, remember?"
"Of course I remember." "Then come," he said persistently.
"Okay fine, I'll be there."
"Great. I'll pick you up at 8."
"Alright," I say and he goes to the locker room to shower.
I am currently sitting on my dressing table stool curling my hair because Lily had a date with Fred.
I finish curling the last strand and start doing my makeup. Once, it's all done,I go and change my clothes.

 Once, it's all done,I go and change my clothes

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I hope I don't look too glittery

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I hope I don't look too glittery.
I go downstairs and as if on cue, Ashton arrives.
"You look beautiful," he grins and kisses my cheek.
"Thanks," I smile and blush. He takes my hand and guides me to the car.
We reach the party house on 10 minutes and I get out with Ashton.
"You said it was going to be a party. I didn't know your idea of party included the entire high school," I say a little nervously.
"I didn't know either but now that we're here, stay close," he said.
He takes my hand and leads me inside. He greets a couple of people while random girls I don't know greet me probably because my best friend and my boyfriend are pretty popular. And hot.
We reach the kitchen and takes a drink both for me and himself.
"Hey," a redhead turned to me. "Hi," I reply a little shyly.
"I really love your shoes and shirt. They are both picture and party perfect," she says.
"Thanks. You look good too," I compliment her. And she actually does.

I don't know how she manages to pull off the red hair and dress but she looks gorgeous

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I don't know how she manages to pull off the red hair and dress but she looks gorgeous.
"Thanks," she replies a little shyly.
"I'm Alison," I say a little shyly. "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Jennie."
"That's a pretty name," I say. "Thanks. Yours is pretty too."
I smile and she turns to someone on her right. I turn to Ashton but I've lost him in the crowd.
I push through the crowd muttering sorry to whoever I step on. I bump right into not my boy friend but my best friend.
"Hey,Mar we won!" "Yeah, I was there,"I say.
"You were? Oh yea you were. You were wearing Ashton's jersey," he says asking and then answering himself.
"Yep and now I have to find him," I hug him and keep on pushing and shoving looking for my boyfriend.
Plenty of drinks later, I have still not managed to find Ashton. Someone handed me a drink at some point and I've been drinking ever since that but of course I am not drunk. Just a little tipsy.
I go the dance floor and bump into Jennie. She says something I can't hear so I join her in dancing.
We show each other our best and our worst moves.
Laughing with each other. A guy pulls her to his body and I leave to give them some privacy.
I then bump into the person I least expect to see here. "Britney?" "Yeah, you think that dumping Kaden will stop boys from wanting me? You're wrong,baby."
Well, first and foremost she did not dump Kaden, it was the other way around. And when did I ever say that she was not popular.
"I never said you weren't popular and anyways, I need to find someone so excuse me." With that said I turn away without waiting for her reply.
I bump again into someone. What is it with parties and bumping? It's Kaden again. And he looks tipsy.
"Alison," he says. "Kaden? Are you okay?"
He grins and without any warming whatsoever, he bends down and kisses me. My eyes widen but I don't kiss him back and I keep my eyes open.
I push him but he stays put he licks my lips and I unintentionally let him enter my mouth.
That was when I heard a sharp intake of breath. Kaden pulled apart and I turned to see the person I had been looking for throughout the entire party.
Of course, it's Ashton.
Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday but the stupid internet just wouldn't work.
Anyway, what do you think is going to happen now? And as you guys know, I said that I would complete this book in the near future but I'm going to take it longer.
This is because I have a better idea then the previous one.
So, folks hold onto your seats cause I'm gonna blow you guys away.
Anyway, vote if you liked, comment what you want to tell me and share this story with your friends if you think it is worthy of sharing.
Thank you for reading. I love you all!

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