Chapter 7

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Me and Lily get ready together for the beach party.
I end up wearing a striped slightly modest bikini.

If you can call a bikini modest, that is

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If you can call a bikini modest, that is.
I don't usually wear bikinis because they aren't really my thing.
Lily does the hair and I do our makeup. Lily's bikini has a flower pattern:

We quickly grab our things, put on our sundresses to cover ourselves:

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We quickly grab our things, put on our sundresses to cover ourselves:

After grabbing all of our necessary things, we loaded ourselves in the car and then we were off

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After grabbing all of our necessary things, we loaded ourselves in the car and then we were off.
When we reached the beach, the party was already in full swing.
Thee was music, girls in bikinis and boys in swimming trunks.
I spotted Ashton and dragged Lily towards him. He looked incredibly hot with his muscular body and messed up hair. His blue eyes were twinkling.
He looked hot but not as much as Kaden. I couldn't help but compare him to Kaden.
Ashton smiled and approached us with a red cup in his hand,"Hey! Glad you could make it." Lily smiled," Yeah, it was a beach party and we just couldn't resist."
He smiled and was about to say something when somebody called his name. He looked at us," Enjoy," and went to his friends.
"OMG! Ali look at that boy. He is the definition of hotness. I'm going over to him," and without waiting for a reply, she ran off.
I sighed and walked over to where I spotted Lana and Georgia.
We talked amongst ourselves when in in all his hotness appeared Kaden." Hey," he said nervously.
I nodded at him and he said," Ali, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you like that. It's just that Britney's car broke down and she really needed a ride. I'm sorry."
"It's all right," I said. I couldn't stay mad at him for a long time and he knew it.
He grinned,"Then let's enjoy the party." I grinned back and changed from my sundress into my bikini.
With Kaden, I swam, he surfed and he helped me do it too. We were having a lot of fun up until that cotton-headed bitch appeared out of nowhere, wearing two scraps of clothing which barely contained her ass and breasts.
She dragged Kaden off while I glared at her. She turned around, smirked at me and walked off.
I turned around and walked off aimlessly. I grabbed a cup of vodka and downed it. It burned my throat but I ignored it.
I had noticed that the beach was scattered with plenty of pebbles and rocks and shells.I almost fell when I tripped over one but strong arms enveloped me before I could come in contact with the ground.
I stared up into Ashton's blue eyes. I felt a fire ignite in me as I stared in his ocean blue eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly!
I mean what sane girl can ignore a guy as hot as him? Definitely not me!
I was brought to the here and now by Ashton who cleared his throat and righted me.
I blushed and looked down at my flip-flops.
I looked up and saw his eyes raking over my entire body. I pulled at my clothes and cleared my throat.
He snapped out of his trance, and looked at me with a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"You wanna dance?"he asked breaking the awkward silence. "Do you always ask girls to dance at parties?" He grinned,"That's my speciality." "Sure, I would love to dance."
We went to the dance floor set up in the middle and danced to the beat of the music.
His hands rested on my waist, which sent shivers down my body.
We danced for a long time until we got tired and went for drinks.
I sat down beside him on the sand and looked at the beach. I could feel his gaze on me. I turned to look at him.
He opened his mouth,"Willyougoondatem?"he mumbled." I'm sorry, what?" "Will you go on a date with me?"he asked. I raised my eyebrows,"Don't you think that it's a bit too quick and early. I mean I just met you a few days ago and you could be an ax murderer."
He laughed,"I can assure you that I am not an ax murdered. So considering that, will you go out with me?"
My thoughts went to Kaden, he was with Britney now and I was nothing other than a sister to him. It was time that I moved on.
I looked at him and saw the hopefulness in his expression. With a small smile on my face, I nodded and he grinned.
"I'll pick you up at 7:00 tomorrow, be ready." "Where are we going?" "That's a surprise," was his only reply.
I smiled and moved my gaze back to the sea.
Within a few days, I had managed to land a date with an extremely hot boy and this was proof that I was ready to move in.
It was probably the best day of my life ever since I had fallen for my best friend.
Author's Note:
It's short and more of a filler chapter but I hope you liked it. If you did then don't forget to vote and comment. I love you all and thank you so much for 150 reads.

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