Chapter 8

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After heading out from the party, me and Lily decided to change and go to Starbucks.
As Lily said, it helps us think. I still couldn't get my head around Ashton asking me for a date.
Nobody has ever been bold enough to ask me out on a date right after meeting me.
I also felt relieved that a date had come up to help me move on from Kaden.
I however, could not ignore the jealousy I had felt and still feel when Kaden takes Britney's side in things instead of me. It's a stupid thing but it means a lot to me.
He took her side in arguments and worst of all, he followed her around like a lost puppy. I hated it.
I wish I could do something that would bring him back to me.
This time, not just as a best friend but also a boyfriend.
"Helloooo," my train of thoughts was interrupted by Lily.
"Did you even hear what I said? I like Jake. Like not for playing around with him but honestly liking him."
I smiled at her,"I'm happy for you. Did he say anything like 'Date me'?"
She laughed,"No,silly. He just asked me which school I went to; he's in ours. Can you believe it, I mean that pack of hotness was resting right in our school and I did not even notice that."
I laughed,"You need to show me that pack of hotness and btw, Ashton asked me on a date."
"What!"she screeched. "He asked you out and you're telling me this now?"
"Sorry, you always solve my guy problems so I thought that I could listen to you for a change and anyway it's not that big of a deal. He just asked me out and told me to be ready by seven."
She smiled," That's nice of you, but this is amazing, you could get a boyfriend and get over the jerk that is Kaden."
I smiled,"You make boys look like playthings."
She laughed,"Anyway, we need to get you ready and get together and outfit, hair and makeup."
"Calm down, we have clothes that we just bought and I can do the makeup while you do the hair. Let's not forget that it's your mom's birthday. We should be heading out."
She nodded,"Yeah,, we should and we need to buy a cake. I have her presents ready, I just need to buy a cake and then everything will be ready."
With that said, we headed out.
We bought a cake:

And picked up my presents for aunt Hailey from my house

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And picked up my presents for aunt Hailey from my house.
We entered the house and saw to our surprise, aunt Hailey standing in the kitchen cutting brownies. The entire house was filled with the delicious scent of brownies.
"Hi, girls," she said in a slightly raspy but still there voice.
We both stood stock still and then ran to her and tackled her in a hug. She laughed and hugged us back.
"Happy Birthday," we chorused and presented our gifts to her.
She smiled,"Thank you so much, both of my daughters."
We smiled and Lily put the cake on the counter and began to unwrap it.
I, on the other hand,just stood there eating those delicious, homemade brownies.
We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant so I borrowed some of Lily's clothes and got ready.

We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant so I borrowed some of Lily's clothes and got ready

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Lily wore:

Lily's mom wore:

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Lily's mom wore:

We all looked pretty fashionable

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We all looked pretty fashionable.
I ended up in Lily's dress which was short but made me look fashionable.
I ignored its length and just went on with it.
We went to an excellent restaurant and ate a hearty meal.
I had a really nice day. Except for the part where the bitch dragged the jerk away.
I was pretty excited about my date with Ashton too. I couldn't wait to see where he would take me and receive my second kiss of course.
My first kiss was sloppy with a person who's name I can't remember. It was horrible and I didn't get 'the pop' that Mia from the princess diaries got when she kissed Micheal.
The boy had so large hands, not to mention sweaty that I declined when he asked me to homecoming.
Speaking of homecoming, I'm pretty excited because I like to dance. It's the one thing I can do well. Well, the second best because the best that I can do is make a mess.
Anyways, I hope that we go dress shopping soon that I can plan my makeup and Lily can plan our hair.
A tiny part of me is also going that Ashton asks me to homecoming. I would love to go to with him and I also hope they Lily gets asked by her new crush.
But-there is always a but- I'm still jealous that Kaden will ask Britney.
I also know that since she is his girlfriend, she's going to wear his other jersey on the day of the game.
I ponder over all these things while sitting in bed wearing my pyjamas that have red trucks on them.
I still wish that a miracle happens and Kaden asks me out and asks me to be his girlfriend and everything falls into place.
I wish. All I ever do in my life is wish.
My train of thoughts is broken by my phone ringing. I ignore it, letting the voicemail take it.
My voice says:"You've reached the phone of Alison Steele, please leave a message."
And then, my mom's voice:"Alison, it's mom. I have to go to a meeting but I called to tell that me and dad are alright. No need to worry. I'll call you later. Bye."
I almost want to hit her. She didn't even bother to ask how I was or that she loved me.
I wonder if she wished Aunt Hailey a happy birthday. I choose  to ignore her and turned my full attention to the love of my life.
You were wrong, it's not Kaden, it's brownies.
So, I really hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. A friend of mine said that Alison isn't fashionable enough. Do you think that? Let me know in the comments.
Don't forget to hit that star to vote for my chapter and give your opinions in the comments.
Love you.

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