Chapter 3

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I ran like I had never run before.
I was running almost blindly when I bumped into a hard wall.
It was that dance guy again. He looked at me with concern etched on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?" I nodded weakly and tried to walk past him but it was only then that I realised that his hands were resting on my shoulders.
I looked at him and he said,"What happened?" I shrugged and replied,"I drank too much and needed to puke." In fact, after saying those words I realised that I was still pretty tipsy.
"By the way, the name's Ashton. Ashton Jacobs." I nodded and said,"Alison Steele.""Pretty name," he muttered. I gave him a smile and pulled out my phone to check the time.
"Shit," I cursed as I realised that it was 11:50 and I had to meet Lily at her car 5 minutes ago. "Everything alright?" "Yeah, it's just that I really need to go, so bye."
I ran stumbling and cursing as I bumped into people and my drunk state didn't help.
I ran out and saw Lily leaning against the car with an angry look on her face. I walked over to her and before I could say anything she stomped away to the driver's end.
I followed her to the passenger side and sat down buckling myself in.
"I'm going to break a lot of rules because of you so hold on," as she said this, she slammed her foot on the gas pedal.
"So what happened?" I told her everything minus the me having a crush on my childhood best friend. "So why are you still not drunk?" she inquired.
"Could you stop using the word so and I think puking made my body get rid of most of the alcohol. Though I have a hell of a headache."
"Oh and what do you have against the word so anyway?" I grimaced and replied,"It requires reasoning and I hate reasoning."
She nodded," By the way, you look like a raccoon." "Thanks a lot," I replied. She grinned and continued driving while I faced away and looked out of the window.
Before I knew it, my house came into view. Calling a quick goodbye over my shoulder, I ran inside unlocked the door and leaving the keys on the table, I ran to my room.
Without bothering to change my clothes or take off my smeared makeup, I fell face-first onto my bed and drifted of to sleep with the party's thoughts still running in my mind.
I woke up to light hitting my eyes. I sat up but pain shot up in my temples making me groan. I laid down willing the curtains to close themselves and they did.
I snapped my eyes open and there stood Lily dressed in casual clothes:

I snapped my eyes open and there stood Lily dressed in casual clothes:

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"Get your lazy ass off the bed," were her first words."Can't,"I groaned yet again."I'm having a hell of a hangover." She grinned ,"That's why I don't drink more than two glasses."
I rolled my eyes at her and sat up, pulling a hand to my temples and massaging them. Two aspirins popped in front of my face and I grabbed them along with the glass of water, downing them immediately.
"So what are your plans for today?"she asked. "Umm, try to get rid of this bitchy hangover?"
She scoffed,"Hangovers are a part of parties and indirectly high school. So, get it together and clean yourself up." I got up from the bed and stumbled to the washroom.
OMG, I looked like I had been through hell and back.
Then everything came back to me, falling for Kaden, dancing with Ashton. Oh god, why does my life have to be such a mess?
What to do now? Lily! Lily would know exactly what to do.
I quickly walk out of the bathroom and find Lily in the kitchen, talking to Athena."Good morning," Athena says. "Mornin'" I reply."Lily,we need to go somewhere.Athena, I'll hopefully see you at lunch.""Hopefully?" Athena questions."Bye," I tell her grabbing Lilly's arm and pulling her outside and grabbing my car keys out on the way.
"What was all that about?" "I need to tell you something very important and so we are going to Starbucks.""I don't mind," was all she said before buckling herself in. "What exactly is the emergency?" "I need you to swear that you're going to keep your mouth shut. I mean it is really important that nobody knows about this," I say. "Ali, what is it?"she asks worriedly. "I think that I like someone," I start to say hesitantly.
Really?? OMG, finally!! Who is it? Is he hot? Do I know him? Does he-""Whoa there stop, Lily. Yes, you know him, yes he is hot and he is oh god," he said take a deep breath,"it is Kaden."
I pull up in front of Starbucks and kill the engine. Lily looks shocked to say the least. "OH MY FREAKING GOD! You actually fall for someone that's your best friend?""So is that a good thing or a bad thing?""It's alright, I guess."
"So, you are actually saying that having a crush on my best friend who considers himself as my brother is alright?!" I almost shriek. "Yep" she says popping the p. "I mean you know each other very well so you can just go over the basic 'what's your favourite colour thing' but the part about him considering you as his sister is kind of worrying me."
I sigh,"I need a cappuccino," and leave the car. Lily gets out of the car and we both make our way inside. I place the order and went to the booth that Lily chose.
"I think we need to give you a makeover.""What? But why? You're too plain, too in the background kind of girl. You need to be flashy-" "Like Britney's minions who literally throw themselves at every hot boy starting from the quarterback Kaden Edward to the cute nerd Fred Lincoln?" "Right, so you need to wear shorts in summer instead of jeans," she continued like I hadn't even spoken."I wear shorts," I said defensively.
"You mean those, knee length pants that you call shorts? Nope, we need you to be a better version of Britney. A Britney who has values. You know."
"Sure I know, but what I don't get is that what is that makeover going to do?"
She smirked,"It's going to make Kaden realise what he's missing."
Author's Note:
So, more of a filler chapter. Do you think she did the right think by telling Lily and do you think she's going to agree to the makeover? Let me know in the comments.
Also, I write these stories using my phone so please don't mind spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as this book will be edited after it is finished.
I did a longer chapter yay!
So proud of myself and the chapters are most probably going to become longer as the book goes on.
I hope you liked this chapter. Tell me what this chapter lacks and I'll do my best to fix it.
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