Chapter 24

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I stand frozen as I watch people run towards Ashton. I try to move but it my body won't obey me.
Someone slips an arm around me. I look up and it's Kaden. He has his phone in his hand and he calls 911.
"Hello, I need an ambulance......" I drone him out and final am able to move. As I move forward, the ambulance arrives and they take Ashton away with them.
"Come on,Mar, we'll go the hospital." He takes my hand and leads me to his car. I ride shotgun as he speeds behind the ambulance.
It finally hits me that I should call Heather.
I take my phone out with trembling hands. She picks it up on the second ring.
"Alison?"she questions. "Heather, there was an accident and so much blood and-" I break out into sons and Kaden takes the phone away from me.
"Hello? Are you Ashton's mother? Ashton was involved in an accident. Please come as soon as you can to the Georgian hospital emergency. Thank you," he said.
"Kaden, why are you doing this?" I ask.
"Because I might not like him but he was a good friend for the short period that he was but he is a good friend," he says.
His use of the word was and is makes me want to throw up and I do. As soon as we stop behind the ambulance, I get out of the car and throw up.
"Are you alright, miss?" I turn around to see a paramedic.
"No, my boy friend was brought here for an accident-"
"Come along, miss," he says briskly. He stops in the lobby,"You can wait here till his family shows up."
Without letting me say anything, he walks off.
I break out into sobs and someone comes and sits beside me. It's Heather.
I forgot she lives nearby. "They're doing all they can," she whispered trying to control her own tears.
"He- he was just walking and-," I tried to say but broke out into sobs.
Heather slowly rocked me back and forth and I buried my face in her chest. I could feel her tears in my hair.
A shadow came above is and I looked up to see an older version of Ashton standing over us.
"I talked to the doctor, sweetheart. He said he has a gash on his head, a foot injury and that's it. It's nothing too complicated but the gash on his head is worrying. He might lose his memory," he says with his shoulders slumped.
Heather let's out a son and I tighten my arms around as she does the same.
"I'm Ashton's father, Alexander Jacobs. I think I might know you," he says quietly.
"I'm Alison Steele. I'm his girlfriend," I sniff. I see his eyebrows rise at the word Steele.
"I'll go see what they're doing to my son," he says and leaves with a quite kiss to the top of wife's head.
West there wrapped in each other's arms.
"Where are Izzy and Elli?" I ask her. "They're with Ashton's friend Kaden," she replies.
"Oh, but where?" My question is answered when Izzy comes up with a tear-stricken face and Elli follows behind her.
"Mommy, where is Ashie? I want him," she sobs.
Her mother swallows a son and Elliot sits beside her.
I pul Izzy in my lap,"He is in there and he's perfectly alright. You dad is taken nag care of him. Don't worry."
She buries her face in my chest and goes silent. Kaden comes and sits beside me. After sometime, Mr.Jacobs comes and sits with us.
We all sit like that waiting for the doctor's verdict.
It's been two hours and we are still sitting on the lobby. Kaden left sometime ago with the kids and offered to babysit the kids.
Although, Izzy put up a hell of a fight, he managed to take her with him. Elliot, the nine year old was so shaken that he left quit rely with his three old sister.
I am standing the bathroom washing my face. I've managed to compose myself but I'm scared shitless. Lily showed up about an hour or so ago.
I wipe my hands on my pants and walk out. When I walk out Mr.Jacobs has disappeared and Lily is pacing the room.
I sit down beside an exhausted Heather,"They say that he's out of any danger though he has to wake up so we can know whether he has any injuries or not."
"Can we go see him?" I question. "We can but after they run a few tests," she replies wearily.
I hold her hand and she gives mine a squeeze.
"Ashton Jacobs?" A nurse enters and asks.
Heather is up a split second and so am I. "I'm his mother."
"Your husband seeing your son, you can go too," she says and heather leaves with her.
"Hey," Lily comes and sits beside me. She holds out a cup of coffee and I take it in my own.
"He's okay, Ali. He's okay. Don't worry," she says. I nod and take a sip of my hot drink.
After about fifteen minutes, Ashton's parents emerge. "You can go see him now. He's awake," Heather says with relief evident in her voice.
I hand the cup back to Lily and get up with shaky legs. As I walk past them, she gives my shoulder a squeeze and I give her a watery smile.
I walk up to his room and my hand hovers over the knob. Does he hate me? Does he want to see me?
I take a deep breath and open the door.
There he is. The love of my life.
His eyes are closed and he looks normal except for the bandage on his head.
"Hi," I say quietly. His eyes open and he looks at me in surprise.
"Alice," he says except it sounds more like a question.
I cross the room in three strides and bend down and kiss him. His heart speeds up which I can tell because of the heart monitor. But, he kisses me back.
We both kiss like we don't have any time. I bury my hands on his hair and his hands rest on my neck.
I pull away,"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"The luckiest person alive," he whispers.
"You scared me," I whisper.
"Prom with me?"he blurts out suddenly. I can't help but laugh as I kiss him again. I pull away,"Yes."
He grins and I blurt out," I love you."
His eyes widened before he kissed me and when he pulled away he whispered,"I love you."
"You broke my heart, you idiot," I whispered with my forehead pressed against his. "Right back at you, Steele."
I smile and kiss him again," I love you," he said again.
"I love you more," I said. "Impossible," he said and we launched into an argument of who loved the other more.
Author's Note:
Only two more chapters and we'll be done. 😭😭😭
Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading this chapter and if you liked it then don't forget to vote, comment and share.
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I'll see you guys soon with another romantic update.
Thank you and love you.

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