Chapter 10

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I was getting pre-date jitters. What is I did something wrong? What if he hates me? What if he's a sloppy kisser-
"It's time,Ali," says Lily.
I grabbed my leather bag and hugged my mom. She decided that since we did not know what the date was about, we should go with casual.

 She decided that since we did not know what the date was about, we should go with casual

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When she said that, I stuck my tongue out at Lily and she just rolled her eyes.
"Good luck,honey. You look beautiful,"my mom smiled at me encouragingly.
I smiled back and turned to Lily. "Knock him off his feet," she winked at me.
I smiled and stepped out.
Ashton was waiting outside, leaning against the car. He stood straight as I came closer.
"You look beautiful," he said smiling. "Thanks," I smiled back at him.
"Ready to go?" I nodded  and he took my hand lead me to the car. Once we were in the car and safely secured, he started the engine.
"So, where are you taking me?" "Told you it's a surprise," he said.
"Tell me!" "Okay, OK, we are going to the field behind my house."
I frowned,"There's a field behind your house?" "Yeah, you didn't know that this town has a field?" "Nope," I admitted.
He smiled,"Well, we are going there so you'll see it pretty soon."
It was a roughly 10 minutes drive. We reached there when there was still some light despite it being 7.
Ashton opened my door and I stepped out, taking his  offered hand.
We were at the edge of the field and I could make out a few objects in the dark.
We walked over there and a blanket was spread out with a guitar on top and a picnic basket.
"Come on," Ashton said. We plopped down on the blanket and Ashton grabbed the guitar.
"So, you probably don't know, but I love music and I thought that you might want me to play while you watch the sun set. It's incredible." He looked at me and his eyes showed his hopefulness, earnestness and nervousness.
I was touched, although it was something so plain and simple, it held so much meaning. I had grown thinking that if you have money you're happy. But now I realised the true meaning of money cannot buy happiness. It was blissful.
My train of thoughts was broken by Ashton playing some song that I had never heard. I looked at him,"Look over there," he said without stopping.
I looked on the general direction and gasped. The sky looked awesome. It had different colours of pink, orange, red and yellow. It was awesome.

I couldn't help but snap a picture

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I couldn't help but snap a picture. I closed my eyes and just absorbed the music and the faint light of the sun. Finally, the song stopped.
I opened my eye, it was dark except for a lantern that Ashton had lit.
I turned to him,"It was truly incredible, thank you."
He grinned,"Let's officially start this date."
"It's not started yet?"I asked. He shook his head and opened the basket.
"So, let's start with the easy stuff, how many members do you have in your family?"he asked.
That was easy. "I have my parents, both of my grandparents and no siblings. You?"
"I have my parents, my grandma and one younger brother Elliot and one one younger sister Isabelle," he answered.
"What's your favourite colour?" I asked as I bit into a muffin which he had just handed me.
"Brown," he answered. "Brown," I asked,"But brown is not nice."
"It is,it's warm, homey and it is the colour of chocolate." I nodded understanding,"Mine's light blue. Like a really light blue. It goes in turquoise but not completely. I'll show you someday."
We continued asking each other the basic questions. It was right when Ashton started to wrap things up.
"We're going to a restaurant," he clarified.
Even though I we had just eaten, I was still ready to eat.
I nodded and put my shoes back on. We wrapped everything up and dropped it on his porch. He quickly ran ahead to open the car door for me and I stepped inside and strapped my seat belt.
We went to a beautiful Italian restaurant where we had a candle lit dinner. We had music around us and many couples surrounded us. It looked like something out of a movie.
Although, I didn't like those kind of movies, I quite liked it in real life.
Ashton, was very sweet. He first held the restaurant door open for me then he held out my chair too. I never thought he could be this sweet.
The waitress came and her eyes almost bulged out of her head when she saw Ashton. She eyed me like I smelled nasty.
I ignored her and ordered pasta and coke. Ashton did the same. She went off to get our orders and I turned to Ashton.
"So, what's your family like?"he asked me. This was the part I was dreading, nearly everybody knew the famous Mr and Mrs. Steele.
I swallowed,"My parents are mostly away on business though my mom just came back tonight. My dad is coming next week. My grandparents live with us but they are away on trip and will be coming back with my dad."
He nodded then his eyes widened,"Am I keeping you from spending time with you mom?"
I shook my head,"She was as excited as I was for my date."
He chuckled,"My mom was pretty excited when I told her. I usually don't date."
"Me either," was my response.
"Tell me something about your family too," I encouraged him.
"My dad and mom are happily married. Elliot whom we call Elli loves to break things and to be called a monkey. Isabelle whom we call Izzy wants to be a princess and she is the exact opposite of Elli."
I nodded, he had a fond smile on his face. Our food came and we dug in, making small talk.
Once we were done, we stepped out and got in his car. Ashton didn't start the car,"Did you have a good time?"he asked. I nodded,"I loved every bit it."
He grinned, that's great, and then we were kissing. His lips were soft and tasted like chocolate. I wondered what mine tasted like.
He pulled away first grinning,"That was awesome." I nodded,"It was my second but I'd like to consider it my first because this is exactly how I wanted my first kiss to be."
He grinned and started the engine. We were at my house in no time and I stepped out after waving him a good bye and making sure that he drove away safe.
I turned towards my house and gasped.
Author's Note:
So, a cliffhanger.*laughs evilly* You'll have to read on to find out. What do you think it'll be. It can be something awesome or something extremely lame. If you want me to update tomorrow then don't forget to vote and comment.
Thanks for reading and love you.

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