Chapter 11

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It's been a while so I'm gonna give you a recap of the last sentence.
Recap: I turned towards my house and gasped.
My eyes widen as I find my father standing on the front steps. I try to fight my smile as I walk towards him.
He looks disapproving. Like always. "Hi, Dad," I say.
His arms are crossed and he's tapping his foot impatiently.
"Where have you been?"is the first thing he says. 'None of your fucking business' is what I want to say but I value my life too much.
"Out," is my smart retort. "Do you remember the date?"he asks. "Um, 23 February?"
His nostrils flare," Do I need a walking calendar to tell you that you are one week behind the entire world?"
Holy mother of a virgin! I did not just say the date wrong to my dad. He's the most punctual person in the entire world.
"Sorry, I just had a lot in my mind. But it's good to have you back." Not.
He turns and stalks inside the house. I finally reveal my charming smile to my mom.
"Grandad and Grandma are back too,right?" She nods and I run inside and burst into my grandparents' room.
My grandad is lying on the bed and I jump on the bed and hug him. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I missed you, Grandad." "And me," my gran says. "Grandma," I squeal and run to her. I hug her bone crushingly and she hugs me with the same strength.
"I'm so happy that you guys decided to come early," I squeal.
"Honey, we came back on time," comes my grandad's voice. I frown and then,"Oh, my mind has dates that are running a little too behind," I clarify.
My grandparents chuckle and mom comes in. "What's all the laughing about?"she asks. "Your daughter here is a scatter brain," gran says ruffling my hair.
Mom laughs," I know."
Me and my gran sat on the bed along with mom.
Despite my dad being the strict nanny that I never had, I've never had a better day in my life.
A perfect date, a perfect kiss and my grandparents' homecoming.
I wake up to that stupid alarm ringing. I have made up my mind. I'm going to throw that blasted thing away.
I drag myself out of bed and go the bathroom. I leave my hair in a ponytail because yesterday's curls give it a nice bounce.
I use a lip balm and a little sun block. I don't even bother to make up my mind on what in wearing.
I go in my closet and grab a warm skirt and a sweater with leggings. Ha! So much for not caring.

 Ha! So much for not caring

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I grab my keys. Give everyone whose sitting at the table, even my dad, a kiss on the cheek and run out.
Kaden's car is outside again. I walk towards him and start talking before he can even open his mouth.
"I'm going with you on one condition. We don't talk about our love lives and we don't apologise. We are going to be exactly like we were until you decided you decided to become a jerk."
He's about to say something but my mom interrupts,"Ali, we are going to have a family dinner at the Edwards so get ready.Hi, Kaden. How are you? See you kids later."
Before we can reply, she's inside again.
I walk around the car and sit in my usual place and buckle myself.
"Hi, Ali," he says. "Hi," I reply, "your parents are back?" He grimaced and nods.
"Another family dinner where we are supposed be like adults and sit with them and are expected to talk to them about social affairs," he says.
"I'm supposed to wear something semi-formal for this dinner. I mean if we are a family, why can I not show up in this?" I ask gesturing to my clothes.
He shrugs and looks at me,"You look nice."
"Thanks," I say blushing. "Anyway, what's your mom making for dinner? I'll eat throughout the entire day accordingly."
The thing is, Kaden's mom is an amazing cook. She makes everything extremely exquisite. If I eat lunch at Mc Donald's, I won't be able to eat to my heart's content.
"I think she's making your favourite spicy chicken and fried rice."
I grin, I'll just have a granola bar for lunch. I love spicy food.
Soon, we reach school and I  run out to my locker.
Lily is as expected, standing there. "Tell me everything," she demands. "He took me to this beautiful field behind his house and we........" I tell her the entire story and by the end, she has run out of awwws.
The bell rings and I walk off to American history. Thank god, i took of early otherwise I would've never been able to tell Lily about the date.
I pass Ashton on the way and he gives me a huge smile.
I enter the class and look over to the ogre like teacher who loves to torture students.
I hate my life. Right, you don't know. I have this beautiful pink dress which is totally my favourite.

It's beautiful right? The problem is, I can't find matching shoes and if my mom finds me wearing black shoes with this, she will kill me

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It's beautiful right? The problem is, I can't find matching shoes and if my mom finds me wearing black shoes with this, she will kill me. 'A designer's daughter should never be seen like this,' she would say.
Oh well! I go to my mom's room where she is dressed like a diva.
"You look beautiful,"I say. "You too," she says," what's the matter?"
"Have you got a pair of shoes which match with these?" "Yeah, sure come on." My mom, my life saver. And of course, she has shoes and matching handbags for everything
She gives me a pair of matching strappy heels.

 And of course, she has shoes and matching handbags for everything She gives me a pair of matching strappy heels

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I hate heels but I don't have an option other than this so I thank her and put them on.
I quickly let my hair down, my hair is in its natural wavy state so I let it be and pin some hair from the front to the back.
Once I'm ready, I go down and find everybody except dad there. Ha, now whose late? He comes from outside, "Come on,already."
Oh, he was ready. I look at my mom whose dressed as immaculately as always.
She looks plain and elegant.
I hurriedly follow my grandparents out and close the door behind me.
I follow my family to the Edward household.
What the actual fuck!!!That bitch troll's aka Britney's car is in their driveway.
I look towards the sky, "Was my life not shitty enough without her?" I ask God in a whisper.
He doesn't respond but grandma does,"Come on, sweetheart."
I follow her inside.
Author's Note:
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