Chapter 16

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Picture of Rachel.
The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me as if the house was on fire.
I jolted awake,"Where's the fire!!"
I heard a chuckle and it belonged to the one person who has broken my heart several times.
If you got it right then you deserve a cookie. Yep, it was the one and only Kaden Edward.
I frowned,"It isn't funny. Especially considering the fact that it is Sunday."
He expression mirrored mine,"You don't remember that we are doing a Sunday special today?"
Oops. Maybe , I didn't.
"I do," I lied through my teeth. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.
I came out feeling refreshed to find Kaden sitting on the bed. I went to my closet to change into clean sweats.
"Ali, why were you crying yesterday?" Kaden's voice asked, making me freeze.
I turned around to find him gazing at me intently.
Unintentionally, my gaze went to his lips. They were so beautiful and so kissable. I wish I could feel them on my own.
I was snapped out of my trance by Kaden who came over to me and grabbed my shoulders,"Tell me," he said softly.
I shook my head,"I don't want to ruin the mood by telling you all of that. Maybe I'll tell you some other time."
Truth be told, I wanted to confess everything to him but I knew full well that this could destroy our relationship. So I decided to just shut up.
Kaden nodded softly and I turned to the bathroom to go change.
I came out shortly and saw Kaden looking out of the window.
"You know, my room looks a mess from here," he said without turning.
"It looks messy from its own doorway."
That's when he turned around and gave me a grin.
"Who cares?"he asked. I shrugged and walked out.
I went to the kitchen and say on a barstool and left the cooking to Kaden.
I couldn't cook to save my life. He knew where everything was since he'd worked in this kitchen for a long time.
"You know, I went dress shopping with Maya and Lily." "I know," he replied.
"Well, I got a really good dress but I need your opinion." "On what?"he asked pulling the mixing bowl and other ingredients on the other counter so that he was facing me.
"Whether I should tell my date the colour or let them guess it. Because,, I mean it would be fun to know how well he knows me." "You have a date," he spluttered.
"Excuse me?" I asked a tad bit too defensive. I mean did he think that I was not good enough to get a date?
"I mean someone asked you out already?"he corrected himself.
I nodded,"Ashton." He raised his eyebrows and something changed in his face before he turned away again.
"So should I or should I not? I mean it'd be fun to match right?" "Yep," he replied.
So, it was decided that I was giving Ashton a call today or tomorrow.
"What do you wanna do today?" I asked. "I think that it's bookstore time."
I grinned,"Agreed."
After eating a huge plate of waffles, we decided to drop our moms of at the airport.
They worked together so they came and went together too.
We dropped them off with hugs and kisses and went to an antique bookstore we both loved.
It had all books starting from educational to classics to modern. The store was antique so the books were second-hand of course.
I picked up an old battered  copy of Jane Eyre.
I had always wanted to red that book but unfortunately, I always got engrossed in other books that I had never read it.
I put it in our basket along with a few books and turned to Kade.
He looked so mesmerising with his brown hair messed up and green eyes scanning the books thoughtfully. He looked so beautiful that I couldn't help but capture a picture with my mobile.

He turned at the sound of the click,"Ready to go?" I nodded and we left the store once we had paid

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He turned at the sound of the click,"Ready to go?" I nodded and we left the store once we had paid.
We went to our tree house as soon as we reached home.
Me and Kaden shared a shelf in the house. It occupied one entire wall and we quietly began to place the books on them leaving the ones we were about to read.
For lunch, we decided to go to .my favourite burger place
"Ali, I'm gonna be late with practice tomorrow so it's best if you ride to school on your own or catch a ride back home." I nodded since my mouth was full. I could easily catch a ride with Lily or Ashton.
We chatted about all the things we had missed.
He told me about Rachel so I told him about my date with Ashton and that I have a boyfriend now. He looked at me weirdly but I ignored the look.
After that, the chatter died down slowly. He paid yet again and I went to the car with him telling me about how one member of the team had left and they were holding tryouts for a new one.
"Will you be judging?" I asked. He nodded,"Do you think that all the credit goes to the coach?"
I shrugged. He shook his head,"You were going to take cooking classes remember?"
I groaned throwing my head on his chest. We were spread out on the couch.
"I went for one but in the first class we were supposed to make pancakes. I put so much flour that the pancakes tasted like flour and not only that. The pancakes got stuck to the bottom of the pan so I had to scrape them off and that chef gave me such a look that I just quit."
He laughed and his chest vibrated.
"Hey, don't laugh,you meanie." He laughed more as I hit on the chest.
After having a meal of pot roast made by my grandma, we watched a movie with my grandparents.
It was a classic that I had zero interest in. Once they retired to bed, I put on The Notebook.
"Not this again!!" Kaden groaned exaggeratedly. "Shut up, it's an excellent movie that stupid guys like you don't like."
"I'm stupid?"he asked holding a hand to his chest in mock hurt.
"Yep," I said popping the p.
I put the movie on, started it and snuggled in Kaden's side.
That night, I fell asleep in Kaden's arms yet again.
Author's Note:
So, I finally updated. Sorry but I hope that this extra long chapter makes up for it.
BTW, that pancakes incident actually happened to me and I was so upset that I cried.
Anyway, if you liked this chapter then don't forget to vote and comment on not only this chapter but also the previous one and the ones before that.
Also, I changed the guy who is Kaden and he is so much hotter.
Follow me.
Thank You.

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