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Type: normal 

Ship: Zorbyn 

Warnings: none 

Song: I want you to know ^

-------------------------------Just stop------------------------------

The boys have been on the jingle ball tour now for 11 stops. They are actually on the whole tour but they stopped in LA for a day before the last show. All five were exhausted af and just wanted to sleep but they still had to rehearse for the last show; Zach was the only one who could keep a smile on his face. 

They had just woken up from a shortcut sleep by their manager for rehearsals and unwillingly got out of bed and dressed. Zach was last out of bed and down into the kitchen where he was given the death stare for being late again.  

"Your late" Daniel said dryly as he walked out the door with some toast in his hand

"sorry" Zach mumbled getting his shoes on running out the door behind the others 


"Damn it, Zach, you keep messing the lyrics up!" Corbyn yelled after the fourth time he messed up

"I-I'm sorry I'm tired ok" He mumbled slightly 

"We're all tired, Zachary get your head on straight!" Daniel yelled making Zach flinch and put his head down 

"o-ok" He whimpered and sang the line again

After two more hours of rehearsals, the boys got back in the van and headed home for the day, all even more tired than before. Zach tried to lighten the mood but none of them listened. 

"Hey at least tomorrows the last show, I love the fans but this has been exhausting" Zach smiled at the others as they all gave him dry annoyed looks

"What im just trying to help" Zach laughed before jack spoke up

"Well guess what your just annoying Zach so could you shut your mouth for like five minutes?! Thanks" He rolled his eyes as Zach immediately turned around and shut up.


"Do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" Zach questioned the four other boys who were laying on the couch on their phones or trying to sleep on each other 

"ZACH CAN'T YOU SEE IM TRYING TO SLEEP?!" Jonah yelled in annoyance as Zach slowly turned around tears in his eyes before going up to his room again and grabbed his phone before heading out to logans seeing as he was upset and clearly nobody wanted him around the house. 

He drove to Logans tears still streaming down his face. He couldn't believe even his own boyfriend would yell at him even if they didnt mean it and they were exhausted. He parked in the driveway and went to the front door and rung the doorbell. He heard kong barking and then the door opened and he saw Logan with a big smile and his vlog camera. 

"Ayeee its meh boi...Zach?" he ended that as a question as he saw zachs eyes welled with tears. He turned the camera off and brought the young boy into a hug as he sobbed into his chest. 

"Hey Hey, Zach whats wrong bro you look exhausted," Logan said bringing him over to the couch to try and get an answer out of the highly upset boy

"They don't l-like me a-anymore" Zach stuttered as he spilled a fresh batch of tears from his eyes

"What makes you say that bud?" Logan asked giving him a hug 

"T-they've been yelling a-at m-me all day when I was trying to be nice" Zach whispered almost not being able to keep his eyes open

"I'm sure they're just tired you should sleep too, Zay you look like u haven't slept in weeks," Logan said passing him a pillow from Brendons' bed and a blanket off the side of the couch. 

"t-thank you," Zach said curling up into a ball falling asleep 


The boys were confused; they woke up and Zach was gone. They texted him a bunch and got no response so they decided to text logan and ask if he's seen him. 

texts- bold logan      not boys 

have u seen Zach?

U mean the upset 16-year-old boy sleeping on my couch? ya I think I saw him earlier 

hah ok we'll come get him 

we need to talk when u get here 

umm ok?


The boys got to Logans and went up to the door knocking as Logan stepped out and shut the door quietly trying not to wake up Zach. 

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?!" logan yelled socking the 4 boys 

"umm" they didnt have any idea what he was talking about 

"He came over here 4 hours ago in tears because you were all yelling at him. I get it your tired and he talks alot but he was clearly even more exhausted than all of you if he's still sleeping and you all look fine standing in front of me," Logan said raising an eyebrow at the boys who now felt extremely bad 

"and off all people to yell at him you Corbyn? you're supposed to love him even if you are tired out of your mind. He didnt thinks you guys liked him anymore. Now take him home so he can be in a real bed." Logan said as they all nodded feeling terrible 

Corbyn went over to the couch and slowly picked up Zach as he sturred in his sleep. 

"m sorry" he mumbled making his boyfrend feel even worse 

"No I'm sorry, go back to sleep baby" Corbyn whispered as he cuddled into his arms more falling back asleep.

They got home and Corbyn tucked Zach into their shared bed and laid down beside him pulling Zach into his chest. 

"I'm sorry we yelled Zach we do love you," He said as Zach started to fall asleep again

"I love you too" He mumbled making Corbyn smile


idk if i like this or not. May not be any updates tomorrow finals suck ass





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