*all boys*

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type: sickfic

song: none 

warnings: none

Zach feels dizzy and sick so he skips the show. the boys do the show and when they're done they go and help him and make him feel better


"G-guys I don't feel so good," Zach said as his knees almost gave out. "Woah don't fall zay" Jonah basically held him up as he just groaned and took to Jonah's hold. The oldest felt his forehead which was burning hot, which would explain the dizziness. "C-can you just get me meds so I can go on?" Zach almost slurred falling asleep in the oldest arms. "You're not going on bud your sick" Jack told him as he picked up the youngest from Jonah's hold and carried him back to the bus from the dressing room. "Noooo the fans are gonna be mad" he whined as Jack set him down on his bunk. 

"No they won't now sleep and when the shows over well come and cuddle with you," Jack said as Daniel who was behind him nodded in agreeance. "fine" he mumbled and almost instantly fell asleep after taking some meds. 


The boys finished the show and headed back to the bus to be with Zach. They walked in and heard him snoring in his bunk still asleep like they left him. Daniel went over and felt his forehead noticing he was still as hot as before and flushed pale as well. As much as he wanted to let the youngest sleep off whatever he was sick with he also knew he needed to take more medicine as well. "Hey, Zay wake up bud" he rubbed his back as the youngest just groaned and sat up and put his head in his hands. "What hurts Zach," He asked and grabbed the youngest boy picking him back up. "Everything" he cried into the olders shoulder having no control over his emotions since he had such a high fever. "Shush buddy your ok take this" Daniel shoved some pills into his mouth and handed him a poweraid. 

"Let's go cuddle on the couch and watch a movie ok?" Daniel told him as Zach just nodded and rested his head on the older boys shoulder. 

They walked in and found the others already watching some movie in the back. "Hey, hows he doing?" Corbyn asked scooting over on the couch to make room. 

"I gave him more meds and he's just tired and hot right buddy" Daniel looked at him and hugged him tightly while rubbing his back as he just nodded and cuddled more into Daniel. "Aww this is cute," Jack said and took a picture of them, "Stawwwwwwwp nooooo I look like butt" Zach stated making them all laugh. "Im tired" He yawned as all the others just awwed at him. 

"Go to sleep you need it, Zay," Daniel told him and Zach just nodded yawned and fell asleep on Daniels' shoulder. 

"He's adorable" Jonah laughed as Daniel got up and went to the bunks getting in after he put Zach down. "Goodnight buddy I hope you feel better in the morning" Daniel kissed the top of his head and held him tightly falling asleep. 


hah what even is this 




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