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Ship: Zaniel

Pair: ZachxDaniel

Type: depression

song: none 

warnings: well its depression


 He had just woken up to what he knew was going to be a very stressful day. 

"Zach come on we need to get to the studio" he heard someone yell from downstairs as he groaned and got up. He hit the ground with a small thud and felt the pain of his fresh cuts rub against his joggers. He groaned at the burning sensation and went into the bathroom looking at his tear stained cheeks; he sighed and washed his face ridding the nights worth of crying from under his eyes. Zach stepped out of the bathroom and into his closet choosing an outfit for the day before doing his hair and going downstairs and joining the boys at the door. he sighed and got his shoes on running to the car with the rest of the, late as usual. 

"Your late" jack said jokingly but Zach thought he was being serious, "Im sorry I-I'll be faster next t-time," he said and played with his hands looking down. "Bro I was joking" Jack laughed as all the guys looked at each other than Zach and got out of their uber and into the studio. 

"wanna record Ed's song," their manager asked and shoved them into the studio before they could give an answer. The others laughed as Zach gave a fake smile and they started recording. They could all tell he was off but didnt do anything...they didnt know how off he actually was. 


Being in the studio so long was killing Zach and all he wanted to do was go home and cry and hate his life in silence but no he was still in the studio. he was really done with the day at the moment but he had to block out those thoughts and be as fake happy as he could. 

"Hey guys weve been here since 7 this morning and I'm really tired can we go?" Zach mumbled to his boyfriend Daniel who sat next to the younger on the couch. "babe are you ok?" Daniel rubbed his thigh and looked at his small boyfriend waiting for a response. "y-ya im fine" he said and then got up to leave, "im gonna wait in the car" Zach said as daniel still looked at him confused but brushed it off. 

"Wheres Zach going?" Jonah questioned as daniel just said car as they all collected their stuff. 


blood dripped down my arms as I held close to 40 different pills in my hand getting ready to swallow them. I was sobbing uncontrollably not hearing if the guys heard at this point as I put half the pills in my mouth and swallowed doing the same with the other half. I heard a knock on the door and just laid limp on the wall as the first dose started to kick in. "Zach baby? are you ok I can hear you crying"Daniels' voice rang through his ears as he just before the lock on the door was picked. "Zach my god... GUYS!!!" he yelled frantically going over to Zach and scooping him up in his warm embrace. "Let me go daniel" he whispered as the older sobbed harder and saw the pills on the floor. "Zach what the fuck did you take!?" he asked and looked at how his boyfriend's eyes were drooping and his face going pale. "I don't know" he whispered before passing out. Daniel would not accept defeat and did what he thought would be best. He picked Zach up and held his limp body over the bathtub before sticking two fingers to the back of his throat trying to get him to throw up whatever concoction of drugs he had ingested. Daniel felt terrible for having to do this to his 16-year-old boyfriend but he knew that Zach needed to live and this was the only way. Eventually, he did throw up all the pills and woke up too, still sobbing. 

"Im sorry" Zach repeated over and over until he didn't have any words left just choked sobs. 

"Its ok baby boy I've got you now" 


this is the mood




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