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Ship: Zonah

Pare: ZachxJonah

Type: vampire

Songs: none

Warnings: idk this might go sexual

Zach curled up on the couch next to his amazing boyfriend of 7 months Jonah. He loved jonah but what he didn't know was Jonah wasn't exactly the most normal teenage boy. He had a secret; he was only part human he had vampire blood. He hated it so much, constantly hiding, having to be on his own in heat (we're gonna go with it I know that's a hybrid thing) and not being able to show his love for Zach; if you know what I mean😉.

He was always paranoid Zach would hate him if he found out. A lot of people Jonah had fallen for no longer wanted him because he would have to mark them. Jonah hated this more than he hated being a vampire, it's annoying having to bite into the person you love just to show it.

Jonahs POV

Zach and I were cuddling together on the couch when I started getting a panicky feeling almost. Damn it Jonah thought knowing what was happening, his heat was coming and he was gonna have to hide it once again. He sighed deeply making Zach look up at him and kiss his jaw sweetly since he couldn't reach the taller boys cheek.
"What's wrong babe?" He asked peppering his jaw with kisses. "N-nothing" Jonah stuttered out making Zach frown and sit up more. "JoBear what's wrong?" He asked looking him in the eyes; "Zachy I can't tell you" he looked at his lap ashamed.
"Yes you can I love you I always will even if you were like a vampire or something" the younger boy laughed as Jonahs eyes went wide. "H-how did you k-know" Jonah looked at him shocked thinking he knew.
"Know what babe?" Zach questioned not knowing what he said. "I'm a v-vampire" Jonah stuttered our as Zach just laughed a little. "No your not what's wrong Jo" yen younger laughed making Jonah frown that he didn't believe it. "I am seriously" Jonah said changing the color of his eyes to a bright blue. "O-oh that's a real thing? Wait so do u like drink blood and have fangs and stuff?" Zach asked more excited than Jonah thought he would be.

"You don't hate me?" He questioned as Zach leaned in and kissed the older boys soft pink lips. "Of course not but so what makes you do different? A-are u gonna like suck my b-blood or something?" The younger questioned as Jonah shook his head no, "but I can if I want too I wouldn't hurt you tho" he said and caressed Zach's cheek making him shiver. "Well then what's so different?" Zach questions once again excited.

"Well umm I can change my eye color depending on my mood...that's kinda cool" jonah said and flashed his eyes purple. "COOL!!" Zach shouted and jumped around "Oml calm down baby boy" Jonah laughed

"Umm Jonah I hear about this thing called heat...do u get that" Zach questioned about three hours later as they were once again cuddled up on the couch watching TV.

"Y-ya I do but you don't have to help me Zay I've lived with it since I was little" Jonah said and kissed his cheek. "I don't mind daddy" Zach dropped the word as Jonah groaned growing in his skinny jeans.

"Don't do that princess you know what it does to me" Jonah said in a low voice turning Zach on. They hadn't done anything over sucking each other off for truth or dare but Zach wanted more. He wanted to know everything Jonah was hiding from him and he knew how he would get it. "Please daddy I wanna do this" Zach moaned out as Jonah kissed down his neck, wanting so bad to mark him but he knew he needed to make sure Zach was ok with that first. That would be the start of they're forever.

"Z-Zach we c-can't do this" Jonah pulled back from the younger, panting slightly. "Why not I want this" Zach whined trying to kiss his beautiful boyfriend again.

"No Zay you don't get it...we can't do this because I would have to mark you after" Jonah said and looked down at his hands. "I want this Jonah I don't care do what ever you want your my life your my forever Jonah Marais" Zach said and brought his chin up kissing him softly.

"Your sure?" The older asked one more time. "Fuck me daddy" Zach moaned out as Jonah ripped off his shirt and kissed down his chest sucking on his nipples and biting one after the other making Zach moan again. Jonah kissed his lips once more before going to his v line and sucking hard on one spot. He knew Zach's sweet spots right away for no reason in particular, wild guess. "God Jonah please" Zach begged harder than ever.

"Please what babygirl, tell me what you want" Jonah said huskily in his eat and left a hickey behind his ear. "F-f-fuck me daddy fuck me till I can see sounds and hear colors just do something" Zach moaned as Jonah slammed into his tight ass making him moan in pleasure.

"God baby your so t-tight" Jonah said as Zach's eyes rolled back and he gripped the sheets tightly. "J-Jonah babe I'm c-close" he said as the older abused his prostate.

"Hold it princess I'm not there" he grunted as Zach tried his best to hold off his high. "Cum for me baby" Jonah panted as Zach moaned and came on his chest almost immediately. "Good boy" Jonah came inside Zach and fell beside him.

"That was..." Zach trailed off panting heavily still. "Amazing" Jonah finished and they both slightly laughed.

"D-did you say you h-had to mark me or something" Zach panted and looked at Jonah who's eyes turned pink meaning he was worried. "Zach I don't know if I should" Jonah hesitated as Zach gave him a kiss and said "do what you need to baby I love you and I'm never leaving you... ever" he looked at Jonah who just smiled.

"Well...ummm... it's gonna hurt" he hesitated more, "so I'm sorry" he said and leaned over onto Zach once more and stuck his fangs out.

"Those are cool" Zach said as Jonah laughed and sunk his sharp fangs into Zach's pale skin. The younger moaned making Jonah smirk at first before Zach hissed in pain as tears formed in his eyes, he could feel what ever substance his boyfriend was injecting him with going into his body and just wracking it with sharp pain.

Jonah pulled away and looked at Zach with sorrowful eyes realizing how much pain he had actually just put him through. He sighed and licked the pricks of blood off of him and rubbed his fingers over and he giant hickey ish bite mark. "I'm sorry baby boy" Jonah said and picked him up in his arms off the couch.

"It's hurts jonah" Zach cried into his shoulder making the older feel even worse. "I know baby I can numb it for you if you want" Jonah said as Zach just nodded and yawned. The taller boy bit into him one more time as Zach moaned once again before he felt no more pain.

"Thank you jo" he sighed and yawned again. "Cuddle with me?" Zach asked as Jonah laid him down in their shared bed. "The stuff I put in you is gonna make you tired and hurt which is why I numbed you baby boy" Jonah laughed as Zach just nodded and let out a squeak as he yawned.

"I love you Jonah" he said and fell asleep. "I love you too Zach" he laughed and fell sleep as well

Well Idk what this is. No update tomorrow I'm gonna be with my family sorry guys
{WC- 1332}

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