Falling into history

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By: xxcaribbean
(The Person who created the cover of this book is @zipancakes
They have worked very hard on it, so if you checked them out it'd be great. There tumblr is also
@ziamisonflowers )

Summary: the one where they have accidental twitcam sex.

Liam gives a big ol' smile at his computer's camera, the very one that is currently broadcasting his image to a total of fifty thousand plus people. It's crazy, if he's honest, to see those kinds of numbers because when he really thinks about it, they're all people with minds and thoughts, and he really doesn't need to be thinking about this right now because it's a bit overwhelming, and he's also still on camera.

"Is someone in bed with me?" Liam repeats the question, the very one someone just posted for him to read. The comments scroll by quickly but he'd managed to catch that one.

He nods, and turns the computer over to his left just slightly.

"It's Zayn; he's asleep right now."

Liam holds up his finger to his lips so he can demonstrate the sign to be quiet.

His eyes continue to scan over the comments, and Liam manages to look sheepish because most of them are so encouraging and nice and so very happy for both him and Zayn after they had come out months ago. They'd been scared, terrified of what the public would think, but they had been welcomed with open arms and to see the support, especially online, continues to overwhelm Liam.

As he reads some of the comments aloud, trying his best to keep quiet, most of them are asking him to wake Zayn up so he'll join in on the conversation until it turns into random words about jokes and how Liam should poke fun at Zayn while he's asleep.

"I can't do that," he says, shaking his head, but the comments keep coming and Liam relents so the first thing he does is run his fingers softly over Zayn's face, light enough to cause Zayn's hand to move in his sleep and wack not only Liam's hand but his own face.

"What?" Zayn says, not really knowing what's going on. He sits up slowly and notices that Liam's staring at him wide-eyed with the computer facing him.

"Sorry," Liam says, shrugging and smiling tentatively.

"Whasgoingon?" Zayn stares back and forth between the computer screen and Liam and he realizes he probably looks like shit in front of a lot of people. "Liam," Zayn whines, and throws his hands up in front of his face. "You could've warned me."

"Sorry," the other boy repeats, turning the computer back onto himself and frowning at the screen. "Look at what you made me do," he scolds, but most of them aren't paying attention to what they previously wanted him to do. No, they're wanting Zayn to talk, to say hi and for them to possibly have a little make out session if they were up for it, but Liam's definitely not up for that so he turns to Zayn and tells him to wave and say hi - which he does - before he decides to sign off for the night.

"It's late, but thank you!" Liam gives a small wave and moves that little white arrow on the computer so he can turn off the twitcam, though instead of actually doing so and pressing down the button in order to click end session, he accidentally moves the cursor over a little too far, clicks the left mouse button and believes it has ended what he'd thought was another successful twitcam.

Liam sets the computer down and pushes it back towards the end of the bed. It won't fall off, but right now he wants to see if Zayn's okay given the fact that he'd woken him up.

He pushes Zayn back down onto the bed, and leans over him. Zayn still manages to look a little sleepy but he's waking up in more ways than one.

"You woke me up, Liam." Zayn pouts, but it doesn't last long when Liam grins and leans down in order to connect their lips together.

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