Chapter 1

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( I'd like to add first that everyone in the story is 18+, this is the last year of school)

It was a day like any other, the snow started falling earlier than expected and the roads were covered in a tin layer of ice.
Craig yawned with a stretch opening his eyes slowly. He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head
-ugh..I don't wanna go-
Downstairs his mother called up " Craig! Get up your gonna be late for the bus!"
He gritted his teeth and sighed sitting up " fine! I'm up!" He groaned " geez.."

He pulled on his blank pants, blue shirt and his favourite blue hat with the yellow puffball groaning as he packed up the last of his rucksack.

Every few years the class went on a group camping trip in the mountains, a small log cabin or a crappy yurt to each camper.
It wasn't as cold as it sounded either, the fire inside generally kept it hot enough to take off your shirt and still be warm.
This year should feel like any other,
Except for the nagging feeling that had been setting in recently in Craig's stomach.

His mother threw some extra bags of candy and food into his rucksack and kissed his head as he left " stay warm! If you see a manbearpig make yourself extra tall!"
She waved.

Craig smiled a little and waved as he walked out and down the path"bye mom, I will" he shook his head amazed she believed that stuff.

He trudged through the snow, the bus stop coming into view ahead. He could make out some figures standing there already, their bags heavy with blankets and food. He froze up as he got closer, recognising the spiky blonde hair he was dreading to see.

He stopped at the far end of the bus stop from him. Tweek stood happily talking to butters excited, he twitched chugging coffee he was keeping in a container on a string around his neck. He twitched and laughed at butters joke.

Craig glanced over at him, a sad expression of resting bitch face plastered on him.

Tweek turned as butters noticed him and waved, Craig felt his stomach drop as Tweek's eyes met his.
Craig didn't know what to of course...
He looked pissed off then blankly flipped him off.

Tweek flinched and turned away again, going back to talk to butters.

Craig groaned inside and looked away in the opposite direction, he felt the butterflies stick in his throat.
-what the fuck is wrong with me!?-

Stan came up with kyle laughing, both holding their bags tightly on their shoulders they grinned as Kenny appeared and waved him over.

Kenny smiled " hey guys what's up?" He had less than anyone, his bag was a bed sheet he had tossed a few things into.
Stan smiled yawning "hey dude, you get them to sign your slip this time?" Stan put his arm on kyles shoulder leaning on him.
Kyle laughed " didn't you sneak out last trip?"
Kenny blushed a little and smirked " hey I was able to go wasn't I, and my mom actually signed it this time, especially after I got caught last trip" he grinned through his dirty blonde hair and bright orange, fur lined hood.
Kenny glanced nervously between Stan and kyle, something Craig noticed.
Everyone looked up as the bus came into view.
Stan smiled and pushed kyle "I'll show you what I brought on the bus" he joked . Kenny looked between them again
- I guess they're sitting together-

Craig glanced back at Tweek who was emptying more coffee into his flask.
- there's no way I like way-
He scowled - as if...-

The bus stopped and opened.

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