Chapter 17

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Craig POV

I told him it was a mistake. I'm such an asshole! I didn't even mean it either! It was never a mistake, I mean yeah I was drunk. But I wanted to do it, and I liked it.
Why am I such a dick to him?

Now I'm stuck on a damn hiking trail with a hangover and Tweek, okay so Tweek being my partner was definitely planned. I'd hardly let McCormick be alone with him even if he knows how I feel.
The guy can't help himself.

But seriously! Why did I tell him it was a mistake, I keep glancing at him...he looks like he's in shock, I knew it I disgust him. Don't blame him for being disgusted, or maybe he thinks because I was drunk I wasn't being serious.

Tweek POV

He keeps glancing at me!  GAH! There's no way what Kenny said was true, Craig Tucker hates my guts! He'd never k-kiss me...but Kenny said we were nearly...n-nearly..
"GAH!!!" Don't think like that!! I clutch my hands on my head and groan suppressing the thought.
He doesn't like you, it was a mistake, a mistake!


"Aaghh!!! wHAt!!?" I snap my head up to see him next to me, walking along the trail. He was a little red , just the walking I guess "you okay? You didn't think last night was...good did you?"
He cleared his throat before good.


I shake my head "n-no! How could it be g-good, its not like w-we're g-gay or anything" as soon as I said that, my stomach tightened into knots and my eyes glazed over in tears.

Craig didn't notice, but he did walk a little faster.

Craig POV

Wow, okay well I misjudged  that situation. I was so sure Tweek was gay, am I even sure I am? I don't know anymore! Ugh I'm confused.

my mind wanders back to the memory of pressing him against the kitchen table, he moans in my ear. I stop walking making Tweek bump into me.
I spin around and flip him off quickly before I keep crunching through the cold snowy trail, there's a group ahead of us and behind. I don't want either of them to catch a word we say, maybe its better if we lose the trail.

I turn on my heal and start off to the right down a slope through the trees, Tweek nervously follows but catches my arm "um, s-should we really g-go this way?" He looks back at the obvious trail nervously.

"It's a short cut" I lie

"O-oh, so you w-went this way before? L-like another year?" He let's go of my arm and follows along, I always thought it was cute that he never took the lead.

"Yeah, it will bring us back to the cabins quicker than that one would, plus not a lot of people know about it" I swear I get better at lying every day.
Tweek just nods and smiles, damn I love how he looks when he smiles. He trusts me enough to lead him into the freak'n middle of nowhere, but I really do think it will be faster to get home.

We walk for a while in silence, I listen to the crunch of the twigs under our feet as we push through the thicket.
Then I realise my footsteps are the only ones I hear anymore, so I turn to see where he is.

"Tweek?" I look around but I can't see him, shit! I gulp down my panic and yell louder "TWEEK!?" What if he fell and hurt his foot! Or a bear got him, or a mountain lion, or..or..

"O-over here!"

I let out a sigh of relief, he's sitting on a log pouring his coffee into the lid of his Thermos and sipping happily.

"Tweek, what the hell!? You can't just stop walking and not tell me that's how accidents happen out here" I slump down beside him

"I-i'm s-sorry Craig I did say I was stopping but you didn't h-hear me"

He did? I guess I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to notice "oh, then my bad..."

Tweek shivered a little holding his cup "want s-some?"

"Of that? No way, I don't want that crap"

Shit, Tweek looks offended. Why am I such a dick!? "...without cream"

"I-i brought some f-for you cause I know you only like it with cream"

Okay, so that breaks my walls down a little. I look around first to see who's watching then remember that nobody can see us, that's good. I smile and accept the coffee "how'd you know I only take it with cream Tweaker's?"

He blushes, wait..he blushed? "W-well I saw that you didn't like my coffee this morning and I thought m-maybe because it was too bitter and black"

He pays that much attention huh, I should start doing the same.

Sipping the coffee I notice Tweek shiver again and pass it back to him to share, its warm and gives me a kick. I can't help but keep smiling.

"You all better now?" Tweek nods happily "okay, then let's go"

I stand up and my stomach drops a foot. I don't know which way to go. I don't know which way we came from, I got completely turned around looking for Tweek.


Tweek looks up at me with wide worried green eyes "w-what? What's wrong?!"

I cover my mouth and swear as I frantically look from side to side for any idea of a marker "we're lost"

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