Chapter 3

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The bus staggered to a stop, the teacher standing up " alright everyone! Grab your bags and line up at the door!"
Craig groaned cracking his neck as he got up, Kenny moved out ahead faster than the others.
Tweek and butters, too nervous to push past anybody waited patiently for space to move out of their seats.
The jocks laughed passing them again, one even winked.
Tweek shivered, it had been a while since he was forced into the same space as them, he was hoping he could avoid them as much as possible.

Craig almost toppled out of the bus and onto the ground, Kenny catching his bag before he did steadying him.
He nodded " thanks..'
Kenny smiled shrugging" no big dude"
He helped Craig down the last step and let go, catching kyles eye as he did.
Kyle grinned and called him over
" hey Ken!" He waved
" come here a sec!"

Kenny held in his nerves and stayed cool giving Craig a ' keep your damn mouth shut' look as he winked at him and walked over.
This left a space for Tweek and butters as they stepped down next to Craig who simply lost his shit inside.
On the surface...
Blank resting bitch face.

Tweek shook nervously by his side, his shoulder touched Craig's lightly and Craig felt the heat hit his cheeks he bit his lip holding it In.

Tweek twitched moving away a little reading the expression on Craig's face as annoyance.
" O-oh... S-sorry dude" he held his fingers afraid he had made Craig angry somehow.

Craig shrugged his words came out high pitched making it seem he was making fun of him " Whatever dude"
( author face palms)

Tweek held onto his own arm looking away and down, butters smiling happily had no idea any of this was unusual " hey this is gonna be great huh fellas! Out here in the the uh wilderness and such!"
Tweek smiled and nodded shyly.

Craig groaned
-why do I always come off like such a prick!?-

The teachers walked out of the reception cabin, the woods surrounding them all. A smell of firewood burning.
" alright, so it seems the parks undergone some changes since last year, the single cabins are gone."

The group  murmured and looked around at one another.

" that's right, no more singles. The park has installed group cabins, a group of 5 can be taken in each. So I am going to assign you all to your groups "

Kenny glanced nervously at kyle and Stan hoping they would at least get to stay together.
Craig bit his lip rocking back on his heel.
The councillor called the names out " group A: Craig, kyle, Stan, Tweek, Kenny" she moved on the next group as the words began to soak into their minds.

2 weeks in a cabin.

Kenny grinned, as Craig's stomach dropped.

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