Chapter 14

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Is Kenny jealous?

I don't know...

I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump turning, Stan passes me his joint and grins "Didn't you say you had snacks Tweaker's?" I grin and shakily take a hit. The scent is oddly inviting, never knew I'd enjoy it so much.

"Y-yeah I did...j-just a sec"
I slip out of the covers and walk by Craig and Kenny, Craig follows my movement before Kenny slaps him out of it. "Hey!"
Kenny laughs and shakes him as I rush upstairs to get my junk food stash. I kneel by my bag and rummage quickly, a little too drunk to focus properly and I keep dropping things.

Kenny POV

I watch as Craig goes to follow Tweak and I yank him back slapping the back of his head making him yell "hey!"

Tweak rushes up the stairs and I hold grip of Craig and whisper "listen to me idiot, do you want his first time to be with your drunken ass?" He blinks and goes red
"exactly! plus he's drunk too. He can't give the v card away drunk man it ain't right"

I pat him on the back and Craig flops down into the chair blushing, laughing I pass him another beer "keep It in your pants Romeo"

I grin and look down at his boxers raising my eyebrow "Not that I don't wanna see it" I wink at him.

Craig rolls his eyes and flipped me off then grinned "you wish" he chugged it.

Tweak POV

I yank the entire bag of junk food and carry it out toward the banister.

A bag drops from my hands and I spin to catch it tripping over myself and landing on my face at the top of the stairs, I burst into laughter as the candy rolls down the steps.

The others jump up and grab them, collecting the chips and candy.

"You okay up there Tweaker's?"

I jump up and blush nodding, rubbing my cheek. Wait am I sweating? I look down at my fingers, why are they red? I sigh and shrug too drunk to figure it out.


I simply stroll down the stairs and grab a bag of chips from the floor.


I wobble looking around "huh?"

Kyle and Stan sit me down quickly and stand over me, I'm starting to freak out..."w-what!?"

Stan groans and tried to check my face "Your bleeding! Stay still"

"He's what!?" Within a second I see Stan and Kyle fly off on either side replaced by a sweaty more than half naked Craig who grips my arms and examines my cheek.

"Tweak your hurt!"

I blush and shake, he's so close! He's kinda freaking me out! Then I blink, and Craig's gone and replaced with Kenny.

"Okay..okay so.. Everyone's drunk, everyone's tryna help but..okay" Kenny wobbles and is replaced once again with kyle and Stan who have a first aid box.

I glance over at Kenny and Craig and gulp, they look so serious.

"A-am I gonna d-die!? aGH!! I can't die! I haven't even got my rocks off in Brazil!!!AGH!!"
Everyone's heads tilt in a ' da fuck he say?' kinda way.

Kyle grins and puts a bandage on me and I flinch "there, good as new. Can't have the baby of the group bleed to death"

I tear up and hug him, so glad I'm not gonna die.

"T-thanks for s-saving me kyle!!"

Kyle chuckled "anytime"

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