Chapter 15

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Craig POV

The next day I woke up with a raging headache, freezing cold and with no idea what went down last night.

With a groan I reach for my phone to see the time, its usually by my bed. That would be all well and good except for the fact that I am not in my bed.

My hand lands on a coffee table and I make a thump noise, lifting my head I attempt to look around to see where I am. My head spins as the hangover kicks me in the gut, ugh...I hate hangovers.

I wince from the light through the windows...oh! I'm in the living room!

With a groan I cover my eyes with my hands and rub them, I feel a shiver and peer down. Shit. I'm still in my boxers from the hot tub.

The hot tub...what happened? How'd I get out of the tub? I don't remember doing that. I look around at the other sleeping piles of bodies next to me, all huddled around the fireplace flung across couches and sofas under throw blankets and bed sheets they must've taken downstairs at some point.

The floor is littered with candy wrappers and beer bottles. I scan my sleeping friends faces for any hint of what happened the night before, damn it. I'm not a detective...

My eyes fall and narrow on a sleeping blonde next to Kyle, he's got a bandage on his cheek.
How'd that happen!? What the fuck happened last night!?

I'm painfully aware that I'm still in my boxers and I head upstairs to change, man whatever we did last night I hope I didn't do anything too stupid in front of Tweak.
I can't really trust myself when I get drunk, I can be a bigger idiot than Kenny when he's awake.

Grabbing my fresh clothes I struggle through the hangover to put them on, my heads pounding at this point.

I reaallly need a painkiller...

"Hey pucker up tucker" I turn to see Kenny grinning at me as I put my light blue T-shirt on over my chest

"What you talk'n bout Ken doll?" He hates that name, so I use it as much as possible.

Kenny smirked and stretches in his baggy white T-shirt and baggy grey sweats "ohh nothing much, just thinking back over last nights interesting development"

Okay, he's got my attention. I raise my eyebrow "spit it out "

"Why, don't you remember?"

I grit my teeth and shake my head, annoyed to admit it but I can't remember a thing right now "not really..."

His jaw dropped "you don't remember grinding up on Tweak like a damn cat in heat!?"

Now its my turn to drop the jaw, my eyes widen "no..don't fucking lie to me dude, that's a shitty thing to do"

Kenny shook his head and crossed his arms as he leaned on the doorframe "I'm not lying man, I walked in on you two and from the looks of things you were gonna go all the way"

I don't know what to say! He can't be serious, I'd remember that! No way I did that...did I ?

"Did..did we?"

Kenny laughed "Nope! I cock blocked you all night so you wouldn't make a stupid mistake, Hard to do when I'm drunk I might add. Not to mention I'd jump in the middle of that party real fast if it went down" he winked at me and but his lip seductively.

"No. Bad Kenny. Down boy!"

We laughed and I groan in pain again "ugh I'm so hungover dude.."

"Maybe one of the others brought painkillers" Kenny walked out

"Or bacon" I add, a fry is always a good place to start.

Walking back downstairs I notice that all of my friends have already woken up and wandered toward the kitchen in search of greasy food.
Sounds like a plan.

I peer my head in and see Tweak face down on the kitchen table, Kyle's unpacking bacon from the fridge to cook it and Stan is making coffee.

Did I really almost go all the way with Tweak last night?
Nervously I approach him and sit at the table flopping my head down on the hard surface doing the same thing as him.
He turns his head toward me and groans "h-head...h-hurts..h-help"

I grin until I notice his cheek is bandaged, I lift my head worried "what happened to you?"

"D-don't know...but it h-hurts..ugh.."

He doesn't remember huh. So even if we did...he doesn't remember doing it.

Maybe its better that way.

Kyle turned from the pan "I'm making the whole packet, any objections speak now or screw you" we all shake our heads

"good, cause its happening!"

Kenny walked in and casually rested his elbow on Kyle's shoulder "hey mama, what's for breakfast"
Kyle grinned "well, bacon, eggs, hash browns and tea"

Kenny nodded in approval, Stan placed a hot cup of coffee in front of tweak who grabbed it so fast I thought he might pour it down his chest.

The loud speaker intercom for camp announcements rings off in the living room and we all groan in universal pain as a camp ranger speaks :

"Morning campers! Dont forget your camp schedules, today is the hike day! So get ready to climb, climb ,climb!! This camp uses the buddy system so get your buddy and meet at the trail at 12! Over and out!"

Ugh...again a universal groan. Hiking and hangover go together like marshmallows and shampoo.

I sigh in agony as I reach for Tweak's coffee, he looks up surprised but let's me take a sip from it.

I grin "thanks Tweaker's" then my eyes widen and my heart catches in my throat.

Oh god.

Last nights coming back to me, I look at the table were sitting at and blush remembering.
I hide my face in my arms to conceal the red glow.

Damn it!!

I made such an idiot out of myself!!

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