Chapter 21

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I can't stop writing -.-

Craig POV

"Am I gonna be perpetually fucking up with him or is this like a test?"
I lay on my back on the bed, Kenny paced side to side then sat by my feet with a sigh "you really have a way with words Tucker" he shakes his head.
I groan and kick him off the bed with a thump "Kenny! Help me fix this right now before I claw my eyes out!"
He laughs "calm down dude its fine, I got this leave it to me"
He gets up and walks out, I lean up following him with my eyes as he approached the bathroom down the hall and knocked "Tweek?"

"G-go a-away" you could tell he was crying, he sniffles through his words "come on Tweaker's your gonna get a cold if you stay like that, come out and get dressed"


Kenny smirked "if you dont come out then I'm coming in"


Oh shit! I jump up and run in enough time to stop Kenny bashing the door in "Kenny! You'll scare him!" I grab his arm, Kenny laughs "good tucker, you're up. Now go climb the tree outside and get in the window"
I blink.

That's a good idea.

So I rush down the stairs and open the door only to run into an extremely red Kyle and a worried looking Stan holding his arm. They let go of each other when they see me and kyle bites his lip passing me. Stan sighed and went in after him mumbling something to him, I'll find out later.
Right now, Tweek needs me.

I rush outside and start climbing the tree next to the bathroom window while Kenny tried to distract Tweek.

I grip hold of the next branch and reach for the window sliding it open with my free hand when I hear a "GAh!!!"

I grin to myself and jump inside landing with a thud on the floor next to him, he scrunches up and covers himself with a towel


I jump up and stop him from reaching for the door "Tweek listen to me! I have something I need to tell you !"

Tweek shakes and holds his towel to his chest blushing, he doesn't move. Probably because I scared the shit out of him, I must look kinda pissed off.

I crawl over to him and put my hands on his face holding him in place "Im an idiot asshole and i fuck up every fucking time i want to say this but not this fucking tine! you're adorable Tweek! Date me"

Tweek goes a shade darker than red, I don't know what that is, how do you describe a purply kind of blood red? Whatever.


I'm dead serious as I continue "I didn't mean anything I said earlier to Kenny, I was just freaking out because I like you so god damn much and I fucked you before I could tell you properly!"

Tweek gulped at the word 'fucked' and we both blush staring at each other, damn was that hot though.

I shake it off and try to continue "so?"

"GAH! S-so w-what!?" He jumps

I roll my eyes "fucking put me out of my misery and go the fuck out with me"
"O-oh! I..I thought I i-i-imagined that..."

I grin a little and he looks down at his fingers "s-so, like a c-couple? I-im not a o-one night s-stand?"

I laugh "you never were, idiot"

He blushes looking away from me "I'd like to, go out with you, i-i mean"

I can't believe it! He said yes! YES!
I can't help myself and I lean in to kiss him, he's surprised at first but kisses back with a light moan. I pull him onto my lap and grip hold on his dick stroking it gently, he gasps a moan and grips my hair in his hands. Damn that felt too good. I need to mark your skin now, one more Hickey to prove your mine. I lean into him pressing him against the shower door and the floor as I suck on his shoulder where I know everyone will see later, he blushes and wraps his legs around my back groaning "AGh! C-Craig!"

We both jump at the howling cheer of Kenny outside the bathroom door and break apart "WOo! I've been shipping you two for fucking ever ! About time dickweeds! Get your funky town on!"

I face palm and bite my lip to hold back my grin as Tweek screams and hides his face in my shoulder "Kenny get the fuck away from the door!"

"Play safe Mother fucker Pucker Tucker! Don't let him stir your coffee too hard Tweaker's!" Both Tweek and I burst out laughing before we go back to making out.

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