Chapter 23

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Trigger warning!

Craig POV

I open my eyes with a groan and sit up, Tweek's laying in my arms sleeping quietly. I grin, for a split second I forgot he was mine now.
I kiss his cheek and he sighs curling into the pillow as I quietly get up and move to the door tripping over an empty basket, the place is freezing!

I try to make friction on my arms and warm up but its not working, the storm knocked out the power, and no power means no central heating.

I quickly tip toe to Kenny's and the guys room and peer in whispering "Ken! Hey! Ken!" Kenny peers up from where he's sleeping and groans.

Stan pops his head up from his bed in the corner, guess I woke him too "guys, help me get wood we gotta build the fire up its fucking cold in here"

Kenny snickers "you get wood just fine on your own" he winks at me

"Kenny fuck off, come on. Do you want Tweek and Kyle to freeze?" I see Kenny look over at Stan and they both sigh getting up.
I nod happily and turn to head downstairs, throwing on my heavy jacket and boots I go to open the backdoor. A wall of snow confronts me.
"Holy shit!"
Kenny walked up behind me closing his parka hood up "looks like it really came down"

Stan groaned "we're gonna have to dig a little hole or something from the top to get out"

I sigh and get to work pushing the snow out of the way with their help, we actually get it done pretty quickly.
Kenny slides out first and gives me his hand to pull me through I do the same for Stan. Together we slump through the snow toward the shed, passing under the treeline where the snow was thinner. A bright green beer bottle sticking up from the snow.

Must of been the one Tweek fired out of the hot tub when we were hammered that night, good throw too.

Dropping down the empty kindling bucket we start to fill it up, it takes me a moment to notice Kenny is just standing there with a weird expression on his face not helping "dude, you okay?" I shiver the words and throw another log in the bucket.

Kenny looks up at me, there's a strange feeling in his eyes I can't make out. He looks worried and confused "y-yeah I'm good" he looks over his shoulder once or twice before going back to help us.

I can't help but feel a little uneasy.

Tweek POV

I groan turning over in the bed, its warm where Craig used to be. Where did he go? To the bathroom?
Yeah, that's got to be it. I grin to myself and think over all that's happened, how did we go from never speaking to this? I'm so happy it came out this way, I really like him and he says he likes me too. Cuddling into my pillow tightly I try not to blush and stay cool, am I cool? Craig thinks I am right? Maybe he's just playing around with me.

Shut up inner thoughts he thinks I'm cool.

I hear the door close over gently and a weight in the bed as he crawls back in.
I smile half asleep, my eyes closed and I murmur "h-hey babe" snuggling up.

His hands are wandering down my side toward my hips, sliding around my leg and back up to my lower back.
Its strange, he feels colder than before. I turn around in his arms and start to nod off again before he kisses my neck and bites down, I gasp a light moan, but his breathing seems deeper...more raspy...

I feel his hand raise up my chest and I shiver, this doesn't feel right. I turn my head confused to look at him and to my horror meet the eyes of the forest ranger, I go to scream and his hand rushed up to my mouth covering it. He grips his legs around mine locking me down.
I whimper as tears begin to fall, I'm so confused and horrified. How did he get in here!? What does he want!?

Craig, where did he go!?

Help me. Please help me!

"Shhh..if you stay quiet then it won't hurt as bad. But it will still hurt a little" he grins and bites my neck harder making me flinch as it bled.

I tremble in his grasp and clutch his arm trying to pull it off of my mouth.
I'm not strong enough.
He chuckled "what did you say your name was again? Tweek? That other kid called you Tweaker's right?" His other hand slides down my torso toward my crotch and I whimper.

"Shut it Tweaker's or I'll bring you out to the woods instead" my eyes widen in horror and shock. What was happening, what was I going to do!? I'm so weak...I'm so fucking weak! I don't want to die this way, I don't want to be taken into the woods! So I hold in my screams and shut my eyes tight pretending this isn't happening.

He pulls me closer and starts to grab me, I can't be here.
I want to leave my mind.
Float away somewhere else. His lips hit mine as he removed his hand forces his tongue down my throat, I shake refusing to kiss back.
Gripping my hair in his hand unbearably hard he sits up and slides me underneath him flipping me on my stomach then whispering in my ear about how much he liked watching us in the woods that night.

How he saw everything we did.

How he liked the way I screamed.

I can't repeat some of the horrible things he muttered, I just clenched my eyes shut shaking and tried to escape into my mind as he began pulling my boxers down.

Suddenly I heard the door open, and an apology... Then a scream, someone shouting at the top of their lungs. The weight is lifted from me and I heave a breath of air in shock covering my face and curling up.

I don't know what's happening, but I'm too terrified to look.

Kyle POV

I woke up and everyone was gone.

Where the hell did they go this early?

My feet touch the cold ground and I shiver getting up, crossing the hallway in my green pyjama pants I decide to see if Tweek and Craig are gone too. Opening the door i jump, I guess I should've knocked first

"oh! S-sorry!"
Shit I walked in on them having sex.

This is embarrassing.

But then...Craig didn't flip me off, and Tweek didn't throw a pillow.

My heart skips a beat, within a split second his eye's turn to meet mine and I scream at the top of my lungs "Kenny!!! Stan!!" I move back against the door frame and away from him as fast as I can as he jumps off of Tweek and comes after me. Quickly I dart out the door and rush out.

His footsteps heavy behind me as I bolt down the stairs screaming for the others.

Kenny POV

Our heads jolt up at the scream we just heard, Stans the first to move. My reflexes too slow to understand what was happening.

Another scream, its Kyle I know it.

My eyes dart to the broken green bottle and I pick it up to bring with me, gripping tightly as I slide through the hole in the snow we made at the door.
Kyle falls into Stan's arms in front of me and holds tightly panicking and shaking as around the corner, hot on his tail a tall man skidded to a stop.

His eyes were wide and dark, they darted back and forth between us and the exits.
He was sweating a little and wore a sickening grin.

I stepped closer holding the bottle and he took a step back, Craig looked at him and his mouth fell open "he's that ranger! That guy I told you about"

The ranger grins and makes a run for it back up the stairs with Kenny, Stan and Craig right behind him, he slams the bathroom door locking it and opens the window climbing out onto the tree.
Kenny slams against the door trying to get in before he escapes, Craig looked around in horror and held his head going pale "where's Tweek!?"

Kyle shakes and mutters as he slide down onto a stair step "He's i-in the bed"

Another long chapter, shit just went down.

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