Chapter 22

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Kyles POV

"Stan listen to me I swear I saw him!"

"Are you sure it wasn't just another ranger? There's loads of them all over this place"

"I'm sure! I know I saw him, he's still here!" We were walking back from the tuckshop with snacks when I saw him clear as day, standing just inside the tree line watching our cabin, but when I turned to show Stan he was already gone.
Stan grips my arm to comfort me as Craig opens the front door, shit. He saw me hold his arm. But he just brushes it off and runs out toward the side of the cabin like he's on a mission. I whisper to Kyle as he flies by us
"don't worry, your not alone this year. There's no way he'd try anything"

I hope not, I can't go through that again. The images of that night creep back to me and I try to ignore them going over what my councillor told me to do in these situations.
I take a breath and look at my surroundings, I'm safe here. I'm safe.

Stan hugs me tightly and let's go "its okay dude"

Upstairs Kenny shouts something about a pucker Tucker and Tweek's coffee, whatever. I didn't catch it.

"I'm gonna go cook some food for everybody" Stan nods and follows me, but I stop him "Stan I'm fine, really. I can do this by myself" I give him a smile and he smiles back before turning away to light the fire again.

Walking into the kitchen I start to make sloppy joes, I know everyone loves them camping and it felt right to cook. Something about cooking takes my mind off of everything that's been scaring me about coming back here. I glance out the window and a dark thought hits me, what if he was watching us in the hot tub that night?

My face loses all color and I swallow but my throat is dry. Just cook. Just cook and forget.

I chop an onion.

Stan POV

I don't know how to help him, just to stay out of his way when he wants and hold his hand when he needs me.
Sighing I empty the box of all the kindling and put it down, I'll have to go out later to the back shed to get some more.
I hear a set of footsteps on the stairs and look up to see Kenny trotting down quickly so I ask "what's up with you?"

He smirks and pounces his eyebrows then makes a fist with his hand and puts it to his mouth, tonguing the side of his cheek he makes a pumping motion at his 'o' shaped mouth and points upstairs.

"No way" I grin and we laugh, well damn. I guess we're all into guys in here. Craig and Tweek huh.. I didn't see it coming.

He sits down next to me by the fire and warms his hands up, there's a silence for a moment and I notice him frown.
He turns to look at me and tries to look normal for once"so, are you and kyle...a thing?" I don't know how to answer that.

I guess we're not, nothing official anyway. No. We never kiss or anything, its more like mutual care. I sigh knowing I'm going red but I decide to be honest.

"you know, I'm not exactly sure"

He nods as though he gets it, Kenny can be a pretty decent guy. Perverted of course, but decent.
"Stan, is something wrong?"

"Why would you say that?"

"I just get the feeling is all, he's always fine in south park. But here he's acting kinda weird"

Perceptive as usual, one of Kenny's best traits.

"He's going through something I don't have the right to talk about" I like Kenny a lot but I can't give away Kyle's secret without his permission, especially not one like this.

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