Chapter 11

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I'm finally back at this! I had to reread it to make sure I knew what I was doing XD cause I forgot lol but I'm back at this story too and its gonna be good ;) thanks for your comments! And votes! You're all awesome!

Kenny POV

Kenny dropped his beers by the tub and climbed in "AGH! Boys its hot!" Stan laughed getting in next to him and grabbing his beer. Craig flinched and grinned at the heat sitting in.

Craig put his arms around the tub rests "hey Stan, pass me one"
Stan leaned over and grabbed a beer passing it to him.
The back door opened slowly, none of them look up as they continue to laugh and joke around. Kenny's eyes snap to Kyle and his mouth drops open, Stan and Craig follow his gaze.

By now everyone's blushing and staring at Tweak and Kyle who fidget and look away blushing uncomfortably. We stand in our boxers waiting, unsure how to fit into the hot tub.

Kenny snaps out of it first and jumps up to make room for Kyle "come on in!" Kyle blushed and bit his lip nodding with a smile. Tweak trembled at his side.

Tweak POV

I'm freaking out, I'm seriously freaking out! What do I do!? I'm pretty much naked and there's no room in there for one more! AGH!! I'm gonna run back inside, I can't..I can't do it!!! Nobody wants me here anyway...

"Tweak, what you doing? Hurry up!"
I snap out of my thoughts and blink "h-huh?" Craig puts his hand out to me and looks away, is that blush on his face? Or is he just warm from the hot tub? He's probably just angry with me for taking so long...

"Oh! AGH! S-sorry!" I grab his hand tightly and I'm surprised with how gently he pulls me forward, with force but without hurting me. I climb the tub steps and Craig sits up on the back letting me sit down between his calf's.


I gotta say, his legs are pretty toned.

My face heats up as I feel the tub water and bubbles, I grin happily and smile at Kyle who is sitting between Stan and Kenny.

He grins back at me, equally as red. Before I know it craig passes me and Kyle a beer, I hesitate. Because I've never been drunk before.

I know...I know its dumb. But I was always afraid to, what if the gnomes got me when my guard was down!? But my friends are here this time so maybe I'll be okay.

I take the chance and chug the sour beer back in three gulps. That's what you do right?

I hand the bottle back to Craig who looks stunned "what?"

I look at the others, everyone looks shocked and grins "um, that was fast Tweak!" Kenny laughs "you can't drink them that quickly"

"O-oh sorry, that was my first time"
Shit I shouldn't of said that, they'll think I'm a loser...damn it Tweak!
Why am I even with these people!? I'm not good enough to be here!

"Wait, you haven't drank before!?" Kenny's mouth dropped "well that can be fixed! Tonight your gonna get wrecked!" He laughed passing me another bottle.

Craig raised his eyebrow watching me, I wonder what he's thinking I can never tell.

But there's something in me that makes me want to impress him, so I take the bottle and with a stupid grin I plastered on my face for effect I chugged it back like the first.

Everyone cheers and starts to talk and drink, Craig's legs on either side of me. I notice Kenny put his arm over Kyles head rest, I see Stan glance toward him and away before taking another gulp.

I shake a little, trembling to the point where I graze against Craig's lower leg. I jump "GAH!!! Agh!! S-sorry" Craig grips his beer and chugs ignoring me, great....I pissed him off.

Agh! I'm so happy I'm back on this one :)

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