Chapter 8 ( POV Tweek)

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I followed Kyle around the cabin looking around exploring the interior.
I raise my head over a frosty window in the kitchen and wiped the fog off.
My eyes light up "k-kyle!"
Kyle bumps his head on the counter top below , he jumped up.
"What's wrong!?"
I point " look!"
He raises his head up nervously and looks outside lighting up.
He catches my hand and pulls me toward the back door, the cold air hits us hard in the face as we open it.
I peer outside and we both tilt our heads around the doorway.

Kyle beamed " it'd a hot tub dude!"
I nodded grinning " d-do you think it works?"
He tip toed outside in his socks across the freezing decking " we will have to see, the place is brand new"
I nodded following him , the icy cold seeping into my socks and soaking my feet.
I tip toe as best I can across the decking and hold my arms scrunching up as I reach the hot tub.
We hold the tarp together and pull it off.
Kyle looked around for the buttons, I jump on my feet shivering.

We both grin madly letting out a high pitched scream of joy and beam happily at each other, I laugh " N-no w-way!"
- It works!-
Kyle ran by me " come on we have to tell the others!"
He pulls me with him as we run inside, both of our socks soaking wet at this point, our toes numb from the cold.
Running in we stop in the living room and kyle shouts happily
"there's a hot tub outside! A freak'n hot tub dude!"

I laugh and nod at Stan who beams excitedly and looked up at the balcony to get Kenny and Craig's reaction. I look up too and stop at Craig, he looks blankly at me.
Suddenly I'm embarrassed for being so excited.
I glance at Kenny and look away nervously biting my lip.
After all, what did I expect?
A smile or something?
Kyle waved them down " come on its outside"
Kenny beamed " outside? Really?"
Kyle nodded " yeah, its gonna be amazing we should all hang out in it later tonight when it gets dark! There's LEDs "

I thought for a split second I saw Kenny blush and exchange a look with Craig that seemed to me to be something a little over excitement.

But I'm probably wrong.

Stan followed us outside to look at it, the others came down the stairs quickly following.
The steam rising gently from the tub warmed the surrounding snow melting it a little.
Kyle went to turn it off for now and I feel someone press against me looking out over my shoulder at the tub.

Thinking nothing much of it knowing he probably wants to see the tub better without going outside.

But he smells good.

I hear him breathing and feel his breath on my neck.
Turning my head, my eyes dart to the under chin of Craig tucker who's leaning over me pressed on my body peering out past me.
He looks down at me for what seems like ages, his eyes widen and I swear I see a tinge of red creep into his cheeks.
My own start to glow.
His mouth opens a little and I gaze for a moment at his lips. He jumps back clearing his throat. Then he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

- I'm reading into things, that's not what I think...that wasn't what I saw-

I take a breath steadying myself when I catch Kenny's eye , he raised an eyebrow at me and smirks.
I jump and go red looking back outside blankly.
I hear Kenny chuckle over my shoulder.

- oh Jesus Christ! Calm down its not how it looks, he wasn't blushing -

I hold my arms taking another breath, everything happened in a split second, but it felt like 5 minutes.

Kyle came past me and Kenny shut the door.
he grinned at me as we all danced with the chill.
" maybe we should huddle for warmth huh Tweek?"
- why direct that at me ?-
I laugh stupidly brushing it off as we all head into the living room to warm up at the fire.
Craig already kneeling there next to Stan.

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