Chapter 28

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"Craig, I need you to talk to me! What happened!? Tweek is right there, he's sleeping" Kenny was kneeling on the ground by the sofa trying to make Craig answer him. He glanced toward Tweek, he was fine...sleeping like normal and lightly breathing.

What was going on?

"Craig!?" He whispered louder, Craig flinched turning his head "that guy, where is he?"

Kenny's eyes widen in realisation, he didn't mean Tweek... He was talking about the ranger from earlier.

"Shit!..." He muttered and got up quickly shaking Stan awake "dude get up! Everybody wake the fuck up!" He yelled loudly.

The group stirred awake violently and Stan groaned "what!?"

Kenny's heart raced "that asshole came back!" Tweek's eyes widen in horror at the sight of Craig and he dove off the chair and scurried over to him gripping his hand tightly in his"C-Craig!? O-Oh my god! W-what happened!? Oh Jesus Christ!"

Kenny ran about grabbing the fire poker "that asshole came back, they must of gotten into a fight. I found him in the bathroom like that" he stormed toward the stairs as Butter's shot up and ran after him "Kenny wait! What's going on!? Who's back!? What's happening!?"
Kenny shot Stan a look and he ran over grabbing Butter's pulling him back toward the sofa "I'll tell you, but stay here with Kyle and the others"

Butters shook his head "No! No I won't! I'm not letting him go like that!" He shook Stan off and followed Kenny up the stairs. Kenny sighed and turned to Butter's "go back Butter's! Its dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt!"

Butters teared up "but I don't want you to get hurt either!" Kenny gritted his teeth and reluctantly nodded "fine! But stay behind me. There's a creep who's been after Tweek and Kyle for a few days and he came back"

Butter's shook nervously, he had no idea. Why hadn't anyone said anything to him!? "We need to call the police" he whispered.

He was right, they had put it off because Craig and Kenny wanted to get rid of the problem themselves. But that was stupid, it wasn't safe for them there.

Kenny sighed "Butter's, call the police. I'm going to make sure he's not still in here" he whispered. Butters ran back down the stairs and grabbed his phone dialling, he was the only one who had reception.

Kenny took a breath and followed by Stan they checked the upstairs.

A scream made them jump as Kenny ran toward the landing and looked down, there the ranger was. His arm around Butter's neck with a gun pointed toward Tweek. The phone call  had been disconnected and the phone was dropped, rolling underneath the sofa.

"You can stop looking little boy, I'm right here" he made a toothy grin and backed up, Butter's flinched in his grasp "I just want this one and I'll go, nobody else has to get hurt. Just this one" he aimed his gun at Tweek's head and grinned toward him.
Tweek was frozen in fear staring blankly back at him.
Kyle shaking by his side as he held onto Tweek "h-he's not going with you"
The ranger grinned, a bloody grin. lt must have been from his fight with Craig that nobody heard "oh I think he is, he comes with me or I kill this one" he tightened his arm around Butter's neck making him choke.
Kenny gritted his teeth on the landing, there was no way to get down there fast enough to surprise him. Stan had almost forgotten to breathe, his grip on the banister tightened and he trembled watching the gun shift from Tweek to Kyle and back again.

"Stand up twitchy or I'll shoot all of your friends one by one until I get you"

Tweek felt tears trail down his face as he shakily stood up, Craig coughed a groan "Tweek, don't..." The ranger kicked the sofa Craig was laying on and he flinched in pain "keep your mouth shut kid"

Kyle gripped hold of Tweek's arm as he moved forward and got up with him "I'm.. n-not letting you g-go with h-him on your own" he said quietly and shakily.
Stan felt the tears fall down his face as he helplessly watched from the landing, Kenny held his head as the ranger backed up toward the front door, he hadn't let go of Butter's either.

"That's it, come with me" he whispered darkly as his back reached the doorway and he forced Butter's to open it.

Butter's gave Kenny one last look as the ranger stepped out into the darkness still holding him. Kyle and Tweek following shaking, gripping hold of one another.

Once the ranger couldn't see him anymore, in that second Kenny bolted for the bathroom window, Stan staggered after him as he climbed out and onto the tree.
He wasn't going to let this happen. It wouldn't happen. He refused.

With a soft thud the two landed on their feet in the snow and hid ducking down in the forest brush.
They watched quietly as the ranger yanked Kyle, Tweek and Butter's in front of him and made them march into the woods.

Kenny went over the scenarios in his head, if they ran one or two out of three might be shot. If they stayed and did what he wanted, it could be worse than death.

If they over powered him, one could be shot. If they all managed to over power him, someone still might get shot.

That's all if the ranger doesn't know Kenny and Stan are following them.

There was only one choice. Follow secretly and wait, hope and pray they get a shot at taking him down before he hurts the others.

It was all they could do.

The fire poker still firmly in Kenny's grasp.

Inside the cabin, Craig reached his arm down painfully toward the cell phone that was knocked just under the sofa. His outstretched arm reached as he tipped the edges with his fingers.
He flinched sliding to the floor and crawling over grabbing it, with the last of his strength he called the number: 911.

Hello, This is the emergency services is everything alright?

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