Chapter 30

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Kyle POV:

I knew they were there the whole time, but I couldn't move my feet. He wouldn't listen to my pleas, I should've told someone else. I should've made sure someone caught him after what he had done to me. So nobody else would have to experience this like I did.

This is all my fault.

I turned my head back around and saw him begin to unbuckle his belt, my heart was pounding in my chest as I went to scream out to him to leave Tweek alone and take me instead. This was my fault, my fault...

It all happened so fast, the net being flung over the rangers head and pulled back, the flashlight falling and being kicked back and forth around the forest floor as Kenny and Stan dove on his arms and legs, Craig grabbing Tweek from the ground in front of him and pulling him out of the heap of tangled limps and screaming. I was frozen in my place, Butter's bolted out of his place to grab at the gun as it slid across the mud floor underneath the wrestle pile.

It all happened so fast, i didn't even hear it go off.

I felt my feet crumble to the floor and I rolled onto my side. My head hitting the ground beneath me.

What the-?

My eyebrows furrow in a daze of confusion, and I stare up at the dimly dark blue sky. It's snowing, flakes are getting into my eyes and it hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts a lot.

Suddenly my mouth is open and I'm screaming, when did i start screaming!? The loud yells are cut short at the heaving pain in my collar. It's throbbing, and I'm covered in sweat. At least I think it's sweat. I can't see in the dim light.

So fast...

There's someone above me, pulling me to my feet, it only makes me scream louder as he hoists me over his shoulder, my eyes daze over a faintly outlined scene I can barely make out in the dark even with the flashlights dying light against the tree trunk.
I notice a body squirming weakly under a net, Butter's and Stan are right behind me. But I can't understand where Tweek and Craig could be.

"T-week, C-c.." I try to speak with my stomach jammed over Kenny's shoulder "they're right behind us!" He said running "don't speak!"

I shake my head and cry out "n-no they-.." they're not. .they're not right behind us! Where are they!?

But my head spins at the turn of events, the pain in my collar, the loss of blood I now realise is running down Kenny's back and I begin to pass out.

The last thing I hear is the sound of Stan's voice, telling me to hang in there.

Craig POV:

"Tweek!? Tweek where are you!? Answer me!" I had him in my arms just a second ago, damn it! If I hadn't tripped over that stupid branch he'd still be with me!

"Tweek come on! It's me, please baby please talk to me!" I patted the dark ground under me and desperately look for him blind. I don't know what to do, there's predators out here, and a murderous psycho who wants Tweek not too far away. He's probably terrified and in a deep state of shock, I need to find him and get us both out of here before anything bad happens.

Well, anything worse.

The others had run, and so had we, they expected us right next to them. With no idea we were left behind.

Or was I just left behind?

Then, I hear the faint whimper of Tweek Tweak to my left and I sigh in relief that he's still with me and hadn't run into the dark alone.

Turning my body and scraping across the dirt I find what I'm looking for, my hands outstretched into the dark to set around him. Then finally his shaking body is in my arms again.

I wrapped around him holding onto his sobbing form tightly, whispering into his shoulder and hair by his ear "baby, baby it's okay, I'm're safe now I got you, don't be's going to be alright...but we need to keep going okay? We need to get out of here" I gently pet his hair with my hand and kiss his wet cheek to calm him "I need you to trust me, I know which way we came from, it's dark but I can get us back, can you trust me Tweek?"



"Good..okay..let's get up now, it's time to go home" I whisper back before leaving another kiss on his cheek and pulling back from him to weakly stand up.

I'd shoved my phone into the rangers pocket, hoping if he got away, the police would find him if he didn't notice it there. It was the best I could do at the time.

Quietly and steadily, we made our way through the pitch black with no light to guide us. Just the sound of cracking twigs and Tweeks occasional whimpers. My senses where heightening, visualization was kicking in. The sense of Tweeks hand wrapped in mine, the tremble he gave off. I edged ahead tree to tree, hoping I could inch us to the edge of the woods before that asshole got out of the net. Though I did hear a few hard rams as Kenny seemed to have hit him with something metal.

My eyes adjusted to a now dim blue light as we reached what appeared to be a clearing at first, my heart lifting when I noticed it wasn't a clearing at all, but a road. We had come out into the camp grounds at a different spot.

I sigh in relief and turn to look at Tweek, I could see him a little better now as it was nearing morning.

He looked terrified.

I inch closer to set my hand on his cheek to comfort him and he doesn't move away, easing into the touch. He let's out a shaky sigh followed by a sob before breaking down and dropping into my arms.

"I love you" I whisper "I love you"

He sobs into my damp hoodie, unable to hold it in any longer.

The words just keep coming out of me and I can't stop them "I've got's okay now"

The dim light is interrupted as flashing sirens appear along the road, lighting us up in blue and red.

Maybe I'm in shock too, because I just mumble on like and idiot "don't be scared, I've got you, I love you Tweek"

Had i said it before?

I couldn't remember, but I love him. I love him so much and I almost lost him without saying it with all my heart.

The sirens stop just behind us, and before I know it we are being pulled apart.

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