Chapter 26

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Thanks for all your support on the story! I had no idea people would like it I'm so happy! ^^

Craig brought Tweek downstairs and sat him down next to Kyle, he was a little shocked to see Butter's there but didn't question it further when he started making Tweek laugh.

Kenny and Stan carried in the buckets of firewood, two on each arm before placing them down with a thump by the fireplace. Kenny wiped his hands together and smiled toward Butter's who just so happened to be sitting by Tweek, so he thought it was directed at him.
Craig glanced between the two and raised an eyebrow before looking back at him.

"Stan you're a pyromaniac, light it up"  Kenny grins at him and Craig tosses Stan his lighter.
Stan rolled his eyes and started building the fire. Craig stared intently at Tweek and Butter's noticed "so, you guys got snacks? Cartman ate all mine in the first day. He imposed a snack tax, if we didn't pay up he'd fart our pillows every night"

Everyone burst out laughing, even Craig "yeah, that sounds like him"

Butters grinned "well its true, and he did it anyway. Its still lingering in my nose" another howl of laughter broke out as Butter's shivered slightly.
Tweek wiped his eyes "I-I have candy, p-pretty sure we all do" the guys nod in agreement.

Tweek went to stand up but Craig stood and put his hand out "I'll get it, just hang out here"

Tweek blushed and nodded sitting back again, Butter's glanced between them confused.

-what the? Tweek cheating on Kenny!? That doesn't sound like Tweek-

He looked over at Kenny who didn't seem to care at all, weird...maybe the three of them had some kind of thing going on.
Butters blushed at the image and shook it off. Bad Butter's! Down boy!

Craig came back down carrying a pile of junk food and lay it down on the table in front of Kyle and Tweek "You guys have so much!" Butter's beamed.

"That's all Tweek's" craig grinned and Tweek blushed "s-shut up I get l-low sugar!"
Stan laughed  and teased " Hi I'm Scott Malkenson"

Kyle tried not to laugh "that's not funny jackass, he has diabetes"

Craig sighed and rolled his eyes "we knowww, its all he ever says!"

"We'll all be saying it soon with this much junk to eat" Stan snorts

Butter's jumped up and started rummaging in the pile "don't worry fellas, I'll eat it all for you and take one for the team so nobody gets diabetes!"
Tweek laughed "h-hell no you won't! Pass me the lollipops"

Craig smiled, happy that Tweek was distracted. Stan poked the fire some more muttering something to himself about not being a pyromaniac, meanwhile Kenny went upstairs to collect his own 'treats' dropping a bag of beers on the table.

"I think I need a drink, how about you guys?"

Everyone nodded, even Butter's who didn't know any better.

A bit of a fluffy chapter ^^

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