Chapter 24

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Craig POV

"Where's Tweek!?"

"He's i-in the bed"

I push past Kenny as he breaks through the bathroom door and jumps out the window after that sick fuck.

A lump in my throat rises as I race to our bedroom to find Tweek, I pant at the doorway as I finally see the lump under the sheets.



He whimpers under the bed spread "D-don't s-say t-that "

I bite my lip to hold back my tears and  walk around the bed to his side calmly "Tweek then, w-what happened? Did he talk to you?" I see the bedsheets vibrate and I know he's trembling through sobs.

Reluctantly I place my hand on his shoulder and he tenses up "Tweek, I'm here...please tell me what happened. I need to know" I frown barely holding my shit together.

"N-no! I c-cant talk about it!!" He whines choking on his words.

My eyes narrow and I feel myself grip the side table -the fuck did he do to my Tweaker's!?- I gulp down the rage building and remember to think of Tweek first.

"Can I lay down with you?"

There's a moment of quiet while Tweek decided, but eventually he nods and sniffles. The sheets moving where his head was.

At least I can do that.

I slide into the bed and go to hold him, but he whimpers. My eyes widen, immediately I know what happened here.
I cannot begin to explain the crushing feeling I experienced when the reality of the situation finally sank in.

Tweek, my Tweaker's... Was assaulted by that disgusting, vile excuse for a human being.

"I'm s-sorry C-Craig..." He cries next to me "I'm so s-sorry!" Without thinking I throw my hands around him and hug him tightly, he's too shocked and distracted to react "never say you're sorry for something like this"
I hold on spooning him while he sobs in my arms.
Without warning the entire event spills from his mouth and he explains every detail of his horrifying experience to me.

I have to stop my hands forming a fist while holding him closely, that bastard was watching us in the woods. Hours before he decided to show himself too, he's twisted.

I can't stand the thought of his hands on my Tweek, how close he was to getting what he wanted. All color leaves my face and I kiss his soft pale skin gently, my gaze lands upon a freshly bitten Hickey with traces of dried blood and it just about takes all of my willpower not to throw up.

"Don't worry Tweek, you'll be okay" I want to tell him I love him, but nows not the time. I can't let the first tine i say those words be remembered as being spoken right after something like this.

Tweek sniffles and relaxes a bit finally calming down, he turned to me "I thought it was you coming back, where were you?" My heart sinks "I was getting firewood with the guys to warm up the place, I just...didn't want you to be cold" I frown.
He sees I'm hurt and kisses my lips delicately, I'd never forgive myself for leaving if something worse had happened.

I need to thank Kyle.

Kenny POV

Landing on the snow I follow his obvious trail into the woods, its probably a bad idea to run after him. After all I might get lost and he knows the terrain.
So I kick a tree stump by the forest edge and swear profusely.

"You alright there Kenny?"

I turn mid kick to see a bundled up Butters. He's got his baby blue jacket on and a massive scarf wrapped around his face to keep him warm

"Butters, what are you doing out here!? Its freezing and there's perverts everywhere"

"Ah you don't scare me Kenny"

"I wasn't talking about me" I'm sexual as fuck but I'm not like that guy. I gotta say I'm slightly insulted giving the circumstances.

"Look, just go inside okay its dangerous out here"

"I...I don't wanna"

I cross my arms and sigh "and why not?"

"They bunked me with Cartman, he's such an asshole! This place sucks"

Butters nuzzles his face into his scarf sadly and I can't help taking pity on him "fine, just come hang out at ours. We can make room, just don't tell the camp people they'll probably flip a gourd."

Butters beamed and nodded happily, his cheeks growing pinker. Just cold I guess. "Thanks Kenny! Your the best!" He runs off "I'll be back with my stuff!"

Kenny sighed and looked back at the forest and gritted his teeth. Frustrated he lost him. But at least he didn't run into Butters first.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and made his way back to the cabin hoping the others would understand.

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