Chapter 20

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I'll edit later!

Craig POV

Jumping into the shower I slide to the base and groan holding my hands to my eyes. Why'd I push him away, he stormed off right after and left me standing to explain what happened to Stan and the others as they ran down the stairs.
I shake my head and let the hot water warm me up, if I wasn't such a pussy Tweek might be in here with me right now.
I grin at the thought of what we might get up to, my smile fades away and I run my hand through my hair.

I should get out and let him in here, he needs to wash off too.

Stopping the water I stand up and grab a towel, one for my head one around my waist. I take a look at myself in the mirror and groan, ugh. I look like shit.
Moving to the door I open up and walk across the landing only to come across a conversion taking place below me between Kenny and Tweek.

My eyes widen and I shrink back into the wall so they don't see me to listen.

"-you serious? Like that actually happened!?" Kenny grins, or at least I know he's grinning because he always sounds like that when he's grinning.

I hear the sound of sniffles, like Tweek's crying and I feel my heart stop. I really fucked up.

"Y-yeah, I -I was s-so s-scared but Craig made it go away" ohhh..hes talking about the bear. Okay.
Wait, why do I care? Kenny knows I like Tweek so why would I hide it from him? But he doesn't know what we did yet.

I guess Tweek skipped the sex part of our adventure in the woods...

Should I tell him?

He'll probably call  me out for making Tweek sad though.

"That's fucking nuts dude! You should've come back with a bear pelt like a crazy mountain man" he laughs and I hear Tweek whine "b-but t-then some g-guy s-showed up a-and..." I hear him explaining how we got home to Kenny, he didn't have to though. Kenny already knew because I told him when Tweek stormed off.

"-h-he freaked me o-out"

"Dont worry about him Tweaker's, he was probably just trying to be nice and help you guys out. You said he was wearing a uniform right? That's his job"

"I-its not that, its h-how he was acting and the w-way he was t-talking"

He's completely right, that guy made me think for a moment that I might have to protect Tweek from him. I didn't like the linger in his eyes, I noticed it more than Tweek did too.
I bite my lip and turn to go into our room to change before calling out "TWEEK! SHOWERS FREE!"

"GAH!" I hear him mumble to Kenny and dart up the stairs slamming the bathroom door closed and start the water. He's adorable, too bad I keep fucking it all up with him.
I dont bother closing the door to change, its just Kenny and us now that Stan went to the tuckshop with Kyle.

I can hear Kenny coming up the stairs and walking to my door, so I quickly make sure my towel is secure around my  waist before turning to look at him, a tint of guilty blush gives me away and he catches it instantly.

Of course he does.

"So, you got lost huh?"


"On a trail with people in front and behind you"

I roll my eyes "we took a detour"

"Obviously" Kenny smirked raising his eyebrow and crossing his arms as he leaned on the door.

"Your blushing Tucker, bless! I had no idea I had such an effect " I flip him off and take my towel from my hair drying it.

"Kenny, I fucked up"

Kenny laughed "OH don't I know it! Tweek told me everything, well ALMOST everything" I turn to look at him astonished at his ability to see right through everyone

"How'd you know?"

"I didn't, you just told me"


Kenny laughed and sat on my bed, I flick my wet hair at him and sigh looking for some clothes in my bag.

"So, you two did the do huh?"

I blush and stay silent, its as good as a yes and he continues "why are you tryna hide it now?  You and Tweek are perfect I don't get the hesitation"

I pull a T-shirt on over my chest and look for boxers "because, I can't do it okay!? I don't know, everyone's gonna beat the shit out of us and call us fags alright! And I have a rep to take care of"
Kenny rolls his eyes this time "that's seriously the most stupid excuse I've ever heard"
I turn and glare holding my jeans and boxers "either turn around or get the fuck out dude I have to put these on"

Kenny turned around "all I'm saying is give it a chance!"

I stand with my back to him while I put them on "its not just that dude, I'm gonna have to follow his twitchy ass around and take care of him all the time! Put up with his freak outs and stop people from beating him up, its too much work!"
I turn around and ...Tweek's standing in a fluffy towel wide eyed and tearing up. He jumps when i turn to look at him.
My mouth fell open and he backed away as Kenny turned noticing.

"No, no no no Tweek hold up a sec!"

He ran for it back to the bathroom and shut the door locking it, I flop to the floor "FUCK!"

The worst part was, I didn't mean a word of it.

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