Chapter 10

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The night drew in slowly as Kenny stood up " alright boys! Let's grab those beers and junk and let's get hot  tubing "
He grinned running up the stairs "I've got good beer! None of that Pabst Blue Ribbon shit"

Craig laughed and followed him upstairs with Stan grabbing their beers.
Tweek blushed "d-did anyone bring swimming clothes c-cause I didn't"
Kyle shook his head " me neither"
Kenny ran back down the stairs firing off his shirt on the floor.
His four pack out in the open.

Kyle blushed quickly looking away, his hand on his head " oh my god ken" he groaned laughing as Kenny fired off his pants, no regrets.
Kyle looked away nervously he laughed " you could kill someone with that thing!"
Kenny snorted a laugh and stretched as Craig came downstairs in his boxers leaving his hat upstairs , light of the fire hitting his chest. He awed at Kenny and laughed " Agh dude...nobody needs to see that " he put a beer in front of his shorts to hide it.
Kenny was bulging in his boxers.
He shrugged proud.
Tweek blushed staring at them and bit his lip looking away, a thing Stan defiantly noticed.
He looked between Kyle and Tweek and grinned.
Stan shrugged standing up , Kyle and Tweek looked up at him as he pulled his shirt off over his head, it took his hat with it. Black hair falling messily.
" well come on, the tub won't come to you"
He winked at Kyle as he past him.
Kyle went red faced following him with his eyes he landed on Tweek doing the same.
They grinned at the look of each others faces as the other three ran outside , Kenny in the middle arms over the other two on either side.
Kyle blushed as Tweek twitched.

Both a little nervous to take their clothes off.

Kyle smiled " alright, I'll do it if you do too, we can do it together "
Tweek shook nervously and groaned " o-okay"
The pulled their shirts off over their heads and stood up taking their pants off.
Kyle blushed "ready?" He smiled at Tweek.
Tweek shook his head " n-nope"
Kyle grinned " me neither"
They turned walking out to the kitchen and opened the back door.

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