Chapter 16

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Somebody got mad at me for spelling Tweek, Tweak instead of Tweek... There's too many of them spelled that way to go edit it all now, plus you all know who it is XD

Tweek POV

OH My GOD! My HEAD! What the HELL!? Why do people ever drink for fun!? This is the most UGHhH I've ever felt!
I can't seem to hold my damn head up off the table for more than a few seconds, but I feel Craig flop across from me and my body can't decide if its a good thing or a bad.


My heads falling in and out, what if I was drugged by the government and its all been a crazy experiment!!?

"Ugh.." I see Craig from the corner of my eye then take a sip of my coffee and smile "Thanks Tweaker's"
I wave him off, I don't care if he drinks it. But he sure made a weird face when he was finished, maybe he doesn't like the bitter taste? I never take mine with sugar or cream, just black.
What the hell happened last night anyway?

Last thing I remember...last thing...hmm..what do I remember last?

Did I throw a bottle? Shit.. I should go clean that up. What if some poor animal gets glass in its paw because of me....and then it will hate me, and start a revolution against all humans and I would be the REASON THE WORLD ENDS!

"GAH !!!!" I clutch onto my head and scream "IT CAN'T BE MY FAULT!!!"

Everyone jumps and groans looking at me, Craig's face is red as a tomato and he quickly hides it in his arms again.

Kyle walked over with a plate of bacon and sits it down in front of me "okay Tweek calm down, just eat this you'll feel better"

There's a mumble from Craig but I didn't hear what he said. Shaking I take a piece and eat it, I can't forget to clean that bottle up.

Kenny stretches happily and passes Craig a painkiller he managed to dig up, its weird how drinking doesn't seem to mess with Kenny the next day. Maybe he's just used to it or something.

"S-so the hike, who's p-pairing up?" I ask quietly, I was nervous. The buddy system required two people and I know nobody would choose me.

Craig points his finger at me, his head in his arms still down on the table


"M-me?" I twitch and blink


What the hell!? Since when does he want anything to do with me??
I look around at the others and see a few grins and looks as they silently go over Craig's choice. What am I missing!? Oh god! IS THIS A PLAN TO KILL ME!!? Am I gonna follow Craig into a cave and they all jump out and torture me to DEATH!?

"GAH!! I'm too young to DIE!!"

Kenny laughs holding his knees, Craig groans "Tweek if you don't stop screaming I'll kill you right now"

Kyle smirks "but then what would you do?" Craig shot him a glare as Kyle handed him a plate.
Stan sat next to Kenny and chugged down his Earl Grey tea as everyone finished the bacon and stood up.

"Okay, so Kyle your with me" Kenny proclaimed. Stan raised his eyebrow "ugh, Kyle's my best friend so he's with me" kyle looked between them afraid he had to choose so he just took off and decided they could work it out themselves.
Craig grabbed my hand and I jump as he pulls me out with him, oh no! Oh god! He's gonna kill me!

I shake in his grasp "o-ouch, C-Craig that hurts" he looked back at my wrist , his eyes widened and he let go "oh, sorry.." Did he blushing?

Nah, I didn't see that. That's not what I think it is.

"T-that's okay"

Craig sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He's acting different today, its kinda freaking me out. Then he starts talking again and I jump as he breaks the silence "look, about last night..."

What about last night!?

"I didn't mean I got out of hand and..I'm not good at apologising"

Oh god, what's he talking about!? I don't remember anything except throwing a bottle out of the hot tub! Did I hit him with it? If I did shouldn't I be apologising!?

"Anyway...Tweek?... Hello? Are you even listening?" He waves his hands infront of my face snapping me back to reality.


Craig tilted his head confused "what? Why would I hit you?" He crossed his arms as I twitch and twiddle with my fingers "Tweek I'm trying to tell you it was a mistake"

What was?


"Yeah so, don't tell anybody okay?"

What do I not have to tell?

Craig sighed and groaned holding his head "whatever, just..come on" he grunted walking toward the door.

I don't know why, but my eyes tear up. I forgot something important.
Something Craig doesn't want me to know, and so if I ask he probably won't tell me.
Before I can wipe away my tears Kenny comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder "why are you crying? Was Craig a dick about last night?"
I turn my head quickly to him and grab his shirt, he looks taken aback and blinks "whoa dude! What's up with you!?"

I shake and sniffle "Kenny do you know what happened?"

His smile returned "you dont remember?"

I nod

Kennys smile turns to a grin "oh boy, and Craig didn't wanna tell you?"

"H-he thinks I k-know, please Kenny! T-tell me what happened!?"

Kenny chuckled and threw his arm over my shoulder "oh man, you're gonna love this"

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