Chapter 18

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Lemonade anyone?

Tweek POV


"Calm down Tweek! I said we're lost! Its cool, I'll figure it out okay!"


"Because I lied okay!"

"You lied about WHAT!?"

"The trail! I never went this way before!"

"GAH!!!!! What!? Seriously!? B-but you said you went this way!! WHY!?"

I'm freaking out! I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost I'm los-

"Because! I wanted to be alone with you okay!"

I shake holding my arms and turn to look at him confused "what?"
Craig sighed "forget it! Just, give me a boost"


"A boost numb skull! " I jump and quickly run up behind him as he climbs a tree, he grips a branch and pulls himself up as I push "come on Tweek push, I can't reach the next one!" I grunt a groan and push him further up the tree. Suddenly images of last night finally pop into my head and I let go in shock "GAH its TRUE!!!!"
Craig slips and almost falls but grips the branch "TWEEK! The fuck!?"

I shake my head "s-sorry!!"

He rolls his eyes and climbs up the tree further until he reaches a good enough height to look around, down below him I start to feel nervous.
Every snap makes me jump and look for big yellow eyes that are gonna jump out and rip my face off!-


I drop to the floor and scrunch up
"GAH!!! Don't kill me! I don't even taste good!"

Craig sighed "Tweek chill, its just me"

I look up from the ground and nervously stand up "O-oh"

Craig looks around at the forest, his hands on his head as he turned looking in different directions" shit.."

I find the sun and wince, a stone in my gut "C-Craig, I t-think its g-gonna get dark soon" biting my lip a whimper escapes me. "W-what are w-we gonna do?"

Craig pushes me down by the shoulders and sits me on a log "stay put, I'm gonna build a fire" I get butterflies in my chest and watch him move around collecting wood kindle.
"W-we can't stay here!"
Craig keeps collecting ignoring my pleas "w-what about the bears!? O-or the mountain lions!?"

Craig dropped a pile on the ground and dug a small slit in the dirt before dropping the kindle over it "that's what the fires for Tweek, bears and lions don't like it will keep us warm"
I shake in my skin terrified as he pulls out his lighter, it was lucky he had one from smoking or we'd have to do that stick rubbing thing.

Before I know it Craig has a small campsite going, branches set up over the log to make a small shelter and a fire blazing lighting up the area like a spotlight. I hope someone finds us soon, this is terrifying! And really, really cold.

Craig POV

Tweek looks pretty scared, he keeps glancing around behind him and whimpering. I sigh and drop my head down in shame. I feel so bad for this. I messed up so bad, this is all my fucking fault.
I hear a snap in the woods and Tweek jumps wincing like he's waiting to get malled any second.
Standing up I move over to sit next to him, his adorable terrified eyes follow me as i move around the fire pit and drop down leaving a wide space between us. Tweek glances at me and I glance back catching him. He blushes red and looks away quickly shivering lightly, his breath fogging the air.
"Come here" I put my arm out

He Loves Me Not ( Creek) (Stanxkylexkenny)Where stories live. Discover now