Chapter 27

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"Alright, would you beat up an old person for one million dollars?"

" old?"

"Like old. Like I'm talk'n cane, walker...bullseye mints old"

Butters laughed "I don't think I could, even for a million"

Kenny pouts "but you can pay for the hospital bills for them after"

Kyle put his hand up wobbling "what if, what if you got them to sign a contract first. So it was agreed"

Kenny points and nods "that might work !"

Stan turns his head and raises an eyebrow looking at kyle "who are you?"

Butters stood up, his beer sloshing inside the can in his hand "okay okay, how bout this...smash or pass. Terrance?"

Kenny laughed "pass"

Stan shook his head "pass"

Tweek shot up "SMASH!"

Craig's mouth dropped open as he raised an eyebrow and laughed "oh really!?"

Tweek went red and flopped back down onto the couch "its not my fault I'm into the look!"

Butters raised his hand again "smash or pass, Philip?"

Craig shouted "SMASH!!" Tweek pouted and Craig laughed and shrugged "hey, its the look I'm into"

Tweek rolled his eyes and drank with a laugh. At this point everyone was drunk and laughing.

Kenny drank from his last bottle and set it down "spin the bottle people!"

Craig snorted "I'm not doing that shit"

Kenny smirked and narrowed his eyes "why, you scared pretty boy?"
Tweek glanced between the two " I d-don't mind playing for a l-little"

Kenny beamed "alright! That's it, we're playing!" He spun the bottle on the wooden table as everyone sat forward in suspense.

The bottle made a ccchhhhhh sound spinning around and around until it finally slowed and stopped, pointing the base at Kenny and the top at Stan.

Kenny grinned "alright Stan, truth or dare?"

"This is dumb" he sighed

"J-just pick one!" Tweek laughed crossing his legs, Craig smiled across from him happy he was feeling a little better.

"Fine...truth" Stan mumbled, he didn't trust Kenny with any sort of power.

Kenny smirked "Stan, is it true you wanted to play hairdressers in 4rth grade with the girls?"

Stan grinned to himself and laughed "y-yeah...I did asshole"

Everyone cheered and  laughed as Stan went red "shut up assholes! I was a kid and it was fun!"

Kyle smiled chuckling as he put his beer on the table "I would've played too if you told me" Stan smiled a little and blushed as the bottle spun again this time landing on Kyle and Butters.

Kyle bit his lip thinking "truth or dare Butters"

"Dare!" Butters looked excited, but Kyle knew something about Butters he hadn't told anyone yet.
Kyle read the situation and thought through his decision, he felt it was the right move.

"Butter's, I dare you to make out with Kenny" kyle smiled sweetly.

Butter's face lit up red and his mouth fell open in surprise "w-what?"

Kyle winked "you heard me, get in there fella"

Butters eyes widened and his face turned toward Kenny. To everyone's shock, Kenny was glowing red too.

He never blushed, he never got nervous. Kenny was never shy about anything to do with personal space or sexuality. But here he was blushing and taking glances at Butters.

Everyone noticed.

Kenny gulped and played it off "hey Kyle no fair! Making butters do something he doesn't like-"

"-who said I won't like it?"

Butters made a face that resembled someone who had just said something without meaning to, he bit his lip nervously growing darker and looked down at his feet.

Craig's mouth fell open as he grinned and Tweek covered his smile with his mouth.

Kenny was so red his ears were burning, he felt his grin growing as he pulled Butter's face toward his. His hands on butters cheeks, eyes meeting with his as Kenny leaned in slowly. All sound around them disappeared as their lips met into a kiss and parted.

Kenny slipped his tongue into Butters mouth and slides around his, Butters wrapping both arms around Kenny's neck. The sound of cheers slowly cane back to them as they were yanked apart "okay okay!! Enough boys or you're gonna have to get a room and it ain't this one!" Kyle laughed while Craig pulled Kenny back and Stan pulled Butter's.

Kenny laughed and sat back, Butter's beamed and chuckled rubbing his head as the game went on, he glanced at Kenny every now and then. Everyone knew they liked it more than they said.


When Kenny opened his eyes the fire was low to almost gone, the living room was dark and quiet. Everyone sleeping drunkenly on the couches and sofas. His eyes glide across the dimly lit room and he noticed Craig was gone.
Kenny got up quietly, bare feet against the cold floorboards. He tip toed toward the kitchen and glanced inside to find nobody there - weird...maybe he went upstairs?-

He shrugged it off and passed through the living room again, his friends stir in their sleep turning over with a sigh as he climbed the wooden stairs to the landing "Craig?" He whispered.


No sound returned.

Kenny bit his lip, something didn't feel right.

Nothing did.

He pushed the door to Craig and Tweek's room open slowly and glanced around "Craig? Dude you here?" His voice trailed off against nothingness and that strange feeling you get when you know there's nobody there crept in.

The weird sensation of talking to yourself when someone should be answering you back.

"Where the hell?-" he muttered quietly backing out of the room
-maybe he went to the bathroom, yeah that's gotta be it-
He took a moment to regain his composure then set his sights on the bathroom door. With everything that had been going on he knew he had to check up on Craig and make sure he was alright...just in case.

Kenny's hand tapped on the door lightly and his voice cracked slightly "Craig?" He waited. Nothing.

"Hey, I'm coming in okay?" He pushed the door open slightly, the wind from the broken window pushing against it in the dark from the pressure.

Kenny swallowed his nerves and looked in only to find a drunk Craig holding onto the toilet unconscious after throwing up.
He let out a sigh of relief and chuckled to himself "alright, up you get" Kenny put Craig's arm over his shoulder and hoisted him up as Craig let out a groan and his head fell slightly to the side.

"Come on idiot"

"Ken?...where is he?"

"Tweek's fine, he's sleeping"

It was hard to see him in the dark as he helped him down the stairs to the warmer living room sofa, dropping him laying down on his back on the cushions, Craig groaned holding his head at first then dropped his arms by his sides.

Kenny laughed lightly then stopped in horror as he noticed it.

In the dim light it was visible, a huge bruise along Craig's cheek and forehead. A busted lip...the swelling on his face....He wasn't acting that way because he was drunk, he had been knocked out recently.

He maybe even had a concussion.

"Where he?..."

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