Chapter 7 (POV Craig

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I scream internally -shit I made this way too obvious didn't I!?-
I get flustered and close my bag, turning around quickly I see Tweek with an odd expression.
I need to level this situation!
Our eyes meet and I panic
"What you looking at Twitch"

Tweek jumps.
Instantly I feel like shit.
Obviously I've made this worse, I watch him turn around and I put head in my hands.
I hear Tweek bump into something as I groan " I'm a dumbass.."
He says " ouch"
I look up and he's already gone.
Great...I fucking freaked him out.
I roll my eyes at myself and drop onto the bed " ughhhh"
- why can't I get a grip on this!?-
I put my pillow over my face feeling like an idiot
- I need a smoke-
There's a tap on my door and I move the pillow looking over at Kenny who's standing there.
" why is it that every time I move something off of my head your there"
I say with a grin and fire my pillow at him.
Kenny laughed and caught it firing it back at me
"'d that go?"
I groan laying back rubbing my eyes
" like shit..."
Kenny sighed and sat on the bed.
" what did you say exactly"

I explain my usual stupidity with words and tell him.
Kenny laughed as we whispered " well no wonder he thinks you hate him you fucking goof"

I sigh sitting up and rest my chin on my hand " and you? What you gonna do about your problem"

Kenny frowned " I don't know, I need to say something quick though...looks like someone else might beat me to it"
I blink confused, does he mean Stan?
Stan is gay?
" but he has Wendy right?"
Kenny shrugged
" I don't think Stan actually cares about her...'
I look down at my hands nervously and cross my legs on my bed.
Kenny smiled
" just come out with it, tell him how you feel you never know, he can only say yes or no. Tweek isn't the kind to make you suffer for saying it"
I nod.
Maybe that is the right thing to do,
But I'm not sure I'm ready to say it just yet.
I sigh and put my pillow back on the mattress getting up " thanks Ken" we hear a happy scream downstairs and both jump rushing to the balcony.
Stan looked up from the fireplace as Kyle and Tweek run out
" There's a hot tub outside! A freak'n hot tub dude!"
I grin and laugh " nice!"
Tweek glances up at me, his smile fades a little as he looks and then sharply looks away.
I pout.
-shit...he does hate me-

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