Chapter 4

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Craig looked down nervously at the snow as the pulled his bag along with the others toward their cabin.
Kyle looked more nervous than he had been he kept looking around and over his shoulder.
Kenny noticed, but Stan got there first " you alright? Your acting kinda off"
Kyle looked at him " huh?"
Stan frowned confused watching him , kyle nodded " I'm fine..." He walked on ahead of him moving a little faster.
Both Stan and Kenny followed him with their eyes worried.
The new cabins were more secluded, but they had a lot of space to move around in. The councillor opened the door and lead them into the two story building.
" your rooms are upstairs, the kitchen is through there...and you can collect firewood from the woodshed out back"
she smiled
" announcements are done by loud speakers in the living room, get settled in Boys and have fun!"

Craig put his bag down kicking off the snow boots as Kenny made his way up the wooden staircase toward the bedrooms hauling his bag . Tweek and kyle went into the kitchen to unload some of the food into the fridge and shelves as Stan wandered around the living room checking out the fire place.
Kenny shouted down over the balcony " there's a room of two beds, and a room of three"
Craig looked up at him and Kenny smirked bouncing his eyebrows at him, he looked away red faced.

In the kitchen Tweek smiled helping Kyle " I-I'm glad your here, I'm pretty s-sure Craig and Kenny h-hate me"
Kyle sighed handing him something for the cupboard "no I don't think so, they just suck at showing emotions" Tweek laughed
" I-if Craig didn't hate me, w-why does he keep flipping me off and scowling whenever he s-see's me"
Kyle nodded " okay maybe, but Kenny nah, he's always stood up for you when people were being assholes right?"
Tweek thought back and nodded
" I g-guess your right..."
Kyle smiled " and who cares if they do" he shrugged putting a can of pasta away " we will have fun anyway."

Stan walked around back outside collecting the firewood from the shed , he stacked it up on the bucket and carried it inside to light the fire.

Kyle walked into the living room happily " the food we brought is put away..." He slowed watching Stan wipe the sweat from his brow and blushed a little.
" y-you found the wood" he went redder " I-i mean..good job" Stan glanced at him and smiled " thanks idiot" he laughed, soot on his cheek.
Kenny watched from the balcony above.
His eyes narrowed.
- I have to do something about this-

Tweek yanked his bag up the stairs as Craig came up behind him and grabbed it carrying the bag over his shoulder, pushing him out of the way a little " I got it ... Your going too slow"
Tweek blushed and nodded with a frown " s..sorry.."
- I guess I was in the way..-

Craig flinched at his stupid choice of words , he carried it up dropping it down in the room with two beds .
Tweek blinked " t-thanks.., w-who am I bunking with?"
Craig shrugged " me and you I guess" he went to look through his own bag, his back to Tweek.
Tweek went red and smiled a little
-me and you-

Craig blushed and bit his lip hidden from view.

He Loves Me Not ( Creek) (Stanxkylexkenny)Where stories live. Discover now