chapter 29

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Kyle POV

What do I do!? I have to hold onto Tweek, I can't let him go out on his own. There's no way we can overpower him...

But maybe one of us can distract him enough for the others to get away.

Kyle's brain was wrapped up in a million ways he could manage to pull his friends away from the clutches of this horrifying situation. He had no idea what the ranger was going to do to them, but he knew there was a possibility that none of them would step out of the woods again.

His hand tightened around Tweeks, Butter's was now on his left side holding onto his arm like his life depended on it. They were all shaking with fear. All he could do was try to think, how many steps they went, the direction they walked in, the ranger was to their backs shining a flashlight to them to light the way.

"Keep moving, stop shaking!"

Kyle's body couldn't hold in the shakes, he swallowed and held his breath to try calm himself down. Without looking left or right he whispered under his breath to his friends "both of you, make a break for it...butters go left, Tweek you go right...I'll go ahead"

Tweek let out a light squeak of disapproval and whined under his breath "w-we can't! I-if we do that someone might be caught! We'll be s-seperated!" Kyle hissed back quietly, he had to stay in control of this situation "if we all go and do what he says we might all be dead soon, this way we have a chance!" He knew in the back of his mind he wasn't going to run. He wouldn't let the ranger hurt Tweek or Butter's. It just wasn't in his nature, he was self sacrificing.

Tweek sniffles "I.. I can't do it!" He trembled, crunching twigs under his feet "it's wrong!" Butters sobbed next to Kyle on the other side "we're sticking together, we might be able to overpower him.."

"Did I say you could talk assholes!? Keep moving!" He jabbed the gun into  Tweeks back making him yelp in fear and shake profusely, crunching along the forest floor as they marched faster. Now silenced.

Kyle's heart sank, there was no talk of ng them out of it. Images of what had happened in the tent kept rushing back to Kyle and he shook them off as best he could. He had to remain in the here and now to try get out of this. He had to be smart.
Then he heard a tiny snap on his left, and his eyes darted to it, not turning his head he felt the stare, and for a split second he noticed the gleam of an orange parka, the light catching the look on Kenny's face for just a split moment and was gone again. His face lit up. They were not alone, they had a chance, an advantage!

He whispered under his breath as quietly as possible so only the two by his sides could hear "they're following us..." instantly the atmosphere shifted to one of hope, and Kyle couldn't help putting all of his on Kenny, Stan and Craig as they trudged onward to God only knows where.

Craig POV:

Craig pulled himself off of the floor and stuffed the phone into his pocket, he had no idea if he could catch up to them or not but he had to try something.
With all of his strength he pulled himself out the door and followed the footprints, his phone was still on call with the police and being traced as he went. Even though they told him to stay put he couldn't even consider such a selfish act. The love of his damn life was out in the woods with a psycho and he was going to get him back!
His eyes glided over the sign for the lake by the edge of the path leading into the woods, a net draped over the side as the font said underneath in bright blue letters Gold Lake Ultimate Fishing Spots!  Along with a crude painted map of the areas best fishing spots and a dumb looking cartoon fish holding a rod beside it. Craig slumped up beside the sign and ripped the net from the sides of it, popping out all of the nails that had held it into place before. He set the net over his arm and looked back at the footsteps on the snow, following them quickly into the woods with the light of his phone.

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