Chapter 19

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Tweek POV

I shoot up in the dark and look around, the fire is dim and dying and I swear I heard some footsteps
I whisper nudging him "w-wake up!"
He groans and puts his arm over my waist pulling me closer so I elbow him in the stomach "OUCh! Tweek! What the fu-!?" I cover his mouth with my hand and his eyes widen confused.

"L-listen..." I whisper

His eyes dart from side to side taking in the crunching noises, I get the look on his face and its obvious what he's thinking. It could be a bear, or a person...or a mountain lion.

He sits up slowly as I cling to my legs in fear as he works on the fire trying to build it up fast. Sparks fly, his body is moving faster than his expression. He still looks calm but I can tell he's scared inside, and that only makes me more frightened. It takes a lot to scare Craig Tucker.

Suddenly out of the brambles across from us came two eyes shinning in the fire light, I scream and clutch Craig's arm. He stays still thinking through the situation before standing up tall, stretching his arms and screaming at the top of his lungs.
The bear takes off running and Craig fires a piece of smouldering log at it for extra effect.
I'm paralyzed with fear, that was a god damn bear ! I shake and look up at the back of my hero, he's so much braver than I am! If it was just me out here I'd of died of the cold long ago and then my body would of been eaten by that huge thing!
Craig sits down next to me and pulls me closer to him, I shake and hold onto his arms "good job waking me Tweek" I hear the slight shake in his voice, nobody likes seeing a bear. I nod holding onto him, afraid to look behind me into the darkness.

We stay up the rest of the night, at one point we heard something again but it wasn't a bear this time.
Our eyes widen as a man walks from the darkness into our firelight "well hello there, what are you two doing out this far?"

There's a sense of relief, someone knows where they are and can help us get out!

But there's another strange feeling in my chest as Craig stands up happily to meet him. Where is this coming from?

I don't trust him. I know, stupid paranoid Tweek. Always afraid of everyone and everything. But I'm serious.

There's something off about him.
He's wearing a ranger uniform, he looks kind of too clean and there's a weird sense around him that disturbs me. How he shifts from foot to foot when he speaks, like he's nervous or thinking quickly.
I don't like his smile, or how he tilts his head past Craig to look at me while they talk. Is this what they call a gut feeling? I don't know, maybe I really am just a paranoid weirdo.

I catch the end of the conversation as Craig says "yeah, we got lost from the trail do you know the way back?"

He smiles and nods "I can bring you two lovely kids back to the cabin no problem, what's your little friends name?" I jump and shake as they both turn to look at me "GAH! I'm T-Tweek"

He walks over to me and crouched down pulling a twig from my dirtied hair, I flinch a little "well don't you worry Tweek I'm gonna take good care of you" he pats my hand and let's it rest a little too long before he takes it away. His eyes dart up and down so quickly I'm not sure if it actually happened or not, that's it. I'm positive now. This guy is creeping me out.

"C-Craig ?" I look past the eyes staring into my soul to look at him over his shoulder. "Yeah Tweaker's?"

"AW Tweaker's what a cute name for a cute guy like you" the stranger patted my head.

I shake under his touch before he gets up "I'll take you back now, let's get going"
Craig pulls me up and smiles at me "looks like we're saved dude"

I nod nervously, it doesn't feel like that. But I pick up my things and follow after them into the dark, he pulls out a flash light.
"B-but C-Craig.." I whimper quietly whispering, he shakes me off "calm down, nothings gonna get you, I'm here and we're almost home"

Shaking I nod and look away, he won't listen to me. What do I do!?
I pick up a rock just for safe keeping.

The sun started rising ahead of us and I sigh in relief as the camp comes into sight "which ones yours?"
I hesitate but Craig points it out "that one, thanks again for finding us and bringing us back. Come on Tweek" he reaches for my hand and I grasp it passing the stranger, he grins at me as I go catching my eye and winks.

"anytime, see you again"

We stumble out of the tree line toward our cabin, Craig pulling me by my hand.

"I know Tweek, me too"

Its not just me, Craig picked up on the creepiness too! Thank god, I'm not as paranoid as I thought. He played it off so well, I never suspected he felt the same way.

I glance back and he's still there watching us. He waves with a toothy grin and turns back into the woods.
We reach our door and Craig let's me in first before slamming it shut quickly.

He let's out a sigh with his back to the door "Fuck, that was sketchy. I didn't like the way he looked at you"

I gulp, neither did I.

"H-he f-freaked me o-out"

Craig nods and pulls me closer to his chest hugging me, he holds me and kisses my head while I blush shaking.
I still can't believe what we did, does this make us a couple? Or was that a one night stand...I don't know.

Before I have a second to consider either option he let's go of me and shoves me back quickly as Stan runs down the stairs "Where the hell have you two been!? We've been up all night freaking out that a bear got you!!"

I feel my chest ache, he pushed me away...
Craig glances at me as I drop my head down sad and hold my arms, a one night thing after all.

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