chapter 31

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Craig POV:

I set my arm around Tweek as we lay in my bed. His head curled into my chest, resting on top of me with his arm outstretched to my side. Our feet were curled around one another's and I let out a content sigh.

It was easy to relax with him, he calmed me down so quickly and I seemed to do the same for him. He yawned, moving his head he peered up at me with a small innocent smile.

I love that look.

Before he can say anything, I pull him up more onto my chest and pull him into a cuddle kissing him softly. His lips shake a little against mine but it's normal now, I've gotten used to Tweeks little quirks.
He smiled into the kiss, kissing me back with a flick of his tongue at my lips. Parting them he enters and rolls his tongue along mine.

It's blissful, really.

The best feeling ever, just me and him back in my room.

Breaking away I catch my breath, a hint of dusted blush across our cheeks "are you nervous?" Tweek shook his head "I think I'm okay, it'll be hard b-but I think I can h-handle it"

Craig nodded and held him closer, cuddling him in his arms. Today was the first day back to school after the trip, and he had been worried Tweek wouldn't be able to handle how intense it might be.

"I won't leave you alone a minute, okay? If you need me, I'll be right there"

Tweek chuckled and blushed nodding his head "same goes for you, besides..I'm more worried about Kyle and Butter's than I am for myself"

Kyle had come home from the hospital with a gunshot wound to the collar, he was lucky it didn't kill him, Butter's had felt horrible. He had grabbed the gun from the ground when the ranger tried to yank it back into his grasp and shot Kyle by mistake.

Kenny spent the entirety of the month we got off school trying to convince Butter's that Kyle didn't blame him.

And he really didn't.

This month I spent with Tweek, we had to attend countless annoying councillor meetings to make sure it didn't affect us too badly. Something about PTSD and nightmares. But the nightmares faded quickly for Craig, Stan and Kenny.

Not so much for Tweek, Kyle and Butters though. But granted, they were in a more terrifying situation than the others and Craig had devoted every available hour to making sure Tweek knew he was safe.
There were times Tweek would wake up thirsty in the middle of the night but refuse to go get water without Craig. Times where Kyle would wake up screaming and thrashing only to find he was back in his room and break down crying before calling Stan, who essentially snuck into his room every night afterwards. And there were times Butter's would just shake without a word, as if he was lost in his head.

But, as the month passed, everyone seemed to be getting on a whole lot better.

Holding onto Tweeks hand as they walked through the school doors for the first time in so long, Craig could really feel the buzz. Not only was this nerve wracking for what they had gone through. But now they we're a couple. Tweeks face lit up when he saw Butter's waving from the lockers, standing next to him was a bright eyed Kenny, his arm set around Butter's waist. He waved toward them with a hearty smile "hey guys"

Craig smiled back as they reached them "hey Ken, hey Butter's" they stopped beside them, a certain amount of kinship had formed from their ordeal. Tweek grinned to Butter's, happy he and Kenny we're finally together, when Stan came walking up with a very happy bandaged up Kyle "morning guys! Glad to be back yeah?"

The group nodded, a comfortable silence over them. They were glad to be back. Really glad. Craig gripped Tweeks hand tighter and sighed. He could've lost them all really, but he didn't.

They got through this, and together they could get through anything.

Craig turned to look at Tweek and smiled when he saw the admiration looking back at him.

The school bell rang and everyone took a breath. Leading their partners away.

Craig sighed and ran his fingers over Tweeks hands "ready to start life again?"

"yeah, I'm ready"

The end

Well, I hope that was a good end of the story! I know I left it a while but I wanted to end it sweetly ^^ plus I have all the others to finish up then I can start my new stories yay! Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading!! Let me know if you liked it or hated it lol if you liked it leave a comment and a star, if you hated it leave a comment and a star pffft :)

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