Chapter 9 (Pov Kyle)

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I can't believe I came back here this 
year... What the hell am I doing!?
I looked around quickly at the woods as Kenny closes the back door and sigh.
Trying to keep an excited expression on my face I walk with the others into the living room to warm our feet at the fireplace.
Stan glances at me, he's the only one who knows what happened last year.
He gives me a - are you doing okay- kind of look.
I shrug as inconspicuous as I can.
Stan frowned.
I'm glad he's here.
If he wasn't I probably wouldn't have come.
I shakily warm my feet against the heat of the fire as the others talk, I pretend I'm listening but I can't help bringing up old images.
I quickly shake them away.
- its in the won't happen again- I keep telling myself that, this time, everything will be different.
Everything will be okay.
They changed the layout of the park to help keep us safe.
Adding groups of 5 instead of single rooms, safety in numbers I guess is what they are going for.
Stan glances at me, and I smile holding my knees.
- he won't come back, he isn't here-
I keep telling myself they got rid of him.
But I don't know if that's true.
At least with everyone here its harder for someone to get into the cabin and attack people.
I rub my arm deep in thought and jump as Kenny breaks it he silence.
" I snuck beer in with me"
Craig laughed and beamed " good I'm not the only one"
Stan raised his hand " also guilty!"
They all laugh, Tweek stutters in a shy reply " I..I don't have beer but I brought a lot of snacks" I notice Kenny smile at me and look away as they all keep talking.
I smile at him.
Something about him makes me think about other things, joking around even.
He takes my mind off of last year.
I grin at them as they talk about their secret stashes.
I raise my hand " I...actually brought pot"
They all look at me.
" why is that surprising? "
They laugh, Tweek looks nervously at them unsure about if he should be excited or not.
Kenny grins at me
" Kyle, I'm so proud"  I roll my eyes and smirk at him.
- I have it to calm myself down idiots. It's necessary... -
But I can't tell them why.

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