3. King And Queen Of Fire

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Seraiah quickly leaped back and landed in front of the small crater she had made.

"I understand that I didn't use my full strength just now but even so, he should've been forced back a good distance. This feeling.. Am I getting, excited? Just who is he really?" Seraiah thought to herself as she stares at Sigma.

"What's this? Done already my friend?" Sigma asked Seraiah.

"Don't get to confident because you stopped one attack! Try this on for size!" Seraiah said as she begins to swing her blades in a pattern at alarming speeds.

Seraiah rushed after Sigma while her swords remain moving in their rapid patterns. Just before Seraiah got him within her blades reach Sigma had switched his sword's position from the back hand style back to the normal front style and got into the basic kendo stance, Chudan-no-kamae. The basic Stance for kendo that places one foot in front of the other, the foot in the back has the heel slightly off of the ground, his left hand grasping near the bottom and the right hand grasping the top of the hilt having the blade sticking out slightly at an angle in front of him. The first strike that came from Seraiah came crashing downwards but was easily parried by Sigma. The second came from the left with two blades moving in parallel but Sigma redirected the two with another easy effort. The third attack this time came with three blades rising from Sigma's bottom right yet, once again Sigma was to fast for Seraiah and deflected the three blades. With each strike made by Seraiah, Sigma would meet it a redirect the blow.

"Are you kidding me? He's deflecting every attack I make as if it were child's play! Not to mention he's doing it all with just one sword, and he still hasn't moved from where he is standing! I'm using all of my strength here!! Yet... Why?... Why am I getting so dammed excited?!!" Seraiah said in her thoughts as a large devious smile shows on her face.

"Quite the expression you have there." Sigma said while deflecting the attacking blades in the usual calm manner.

"I-I can't help it!! This feeling!! I haven't felt like this since...!!" Seraiah started to say but paused and her expression changed as she leaped back away from Sigma.

"Your expressions change like the wind's constant flow my friend." Sigma said remaining in his kendo stance.

The look on Seraiah's face is that of concern. As she glares at Sigma her extra arms and all of her swords begin to disintegrate. This caused Sigma to lower his guard in slight confusion.

"Are you finished already Seraiah?" Sigma asked.

"No I.. There's something bothering me." Seraiah replied.

"And that is?" Sigma asked.

Seraiah did not answer, rather she raised her right hand and almost instantly did a small ball of fire appear form in her hand. The small ball of fire then began to grow to an enormous size and it would most definitely fill the room with overwhelming heat and illumination. Everyone that has the area surrounded could feel the heat and immediately began to sweat little by little.

"What in the world?!" Commissioner Joe Adams said responding to the extreme heat rise.

"What the hell are you doing in there?!" Allana wondered through her thoughts.

"Um Seraiah, I Don't mean to interrupt but if you get any hotter than that I am fairly certain that you will cause those very flammable looking barrels to explode." Sigma said remaining calm and seemingly cool in the heat.

"I know. If they explode it will not have any affect on me, but I bet it will have an affect on you and the people surrounding the area." Seraiah said.

"Oh?" Sigma simply replied as he came out of the kendo stance and stood normally with his sword once again over his shoulder and left arm resting over his other sword that is still in it's sheath.

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