45. Meeting The Secretary Of Defense

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The fight that took place all around the city came to and end when Sigma showed his overwhelming control of fire. Everyone except for the Shogun is gathered at the base discussing the series of events.

"I leave the planet for a minute and you're bringing fire down directly from the sun?!.... How long were you even able to do that?!" Stacey

"Its been like what, a year since you did that?" Swift answers while piggy backing on Sigma.

"Well of course you knew.... But I thought we were bros?!" Power Surge says as he, Road Burn and Charger glare at Sigma.

"I thought we were friends...." Stacey says as she and Insight also glare at him.

"I thought we were dating..." Lynx says adding on to the guilt.

"..... I'll tell you how it happened later...." Sigma

"..... It's a start." Road Burn

"More importantly.... You said your name is Assam and you were the one that created A-Oa?" Leonis

"Yes. I will also take responsibility for her actions." Assam

"Don't worry about it. You helped solve the problem and basically saved my life so we're good." Stacey

"I'm just glad that my kids have guardian angels... And, demon." Sky

Sky glances over to Sigma in regards to the demon comment. Suddenly one of the agents of Guardian Alliance walks in and up to Sky.

"General Sky sir. The Secretary of Defense is here." G.A. Agent

"Joy.... Hey kid you better...." Sky would begin to say in Sigma's direction but notices that both he and Swift are nowhere to be seen.

"Do... That...." Sky

"Sky! A word!" Secretary of Defense Eric Wall says upon entering the room.

"Secretary." Sky

"Please describe to me in one word how today's series of events between you and the Defiance were." Eric

".... Physical?" Sky

"Precisely!! Physical! Not only did you let this behemoth go wild against Mad Dog nearly leveling the city but you also left a giant monster in the hands of 3 sidekicks?! Are you trying to send them to an early grave?!" Eric

"Did he just say side kicks?" Charger whispers.

"How am I a side kick? I don't even have a mentor." Phoenix whispers

"Can I hit him?" Power Surge whispers

"Get in line." Lynx whispers

"We had the situation under control Eric. Besides the giant was much weaker than everyone else we had to deal with." Sky

"Even if thats true we needed professionals to contain the situation not destroy 3 buildings while doing so. And another thing... That ninja, what's his name, Nigma?" Eric

"Sigma." Sky

"Right him. He was seen along side the Shogun taking on Raid, The Specter and some new kid wielding a sword of ice. Why didn't the Shogun apprehend him? He's a loose cannon who takes the law in his own hands! You're supposed to stop people like that. Especially ones that can bring fire down from the sun! Did you even know he could do that? Because even I half to admit that is impressive!" Eric

"I understand that you want him under control but he was obviously there helping the Shogun. It was a 3 on 1 and he basically evened the odds then tipped the scale in our favor. That counts for something Eric." Sky

"Arguably yes but what is his motive for doing so? We know nothing about him Sky other than the whole fire thing." Eric

Eric then looks towards Arram.

"What's with the robot?" Eric asks directing Sky's attention to Arram.

"Well... The proper term would be.. Alien..." Sky

"My name is Arram Assam from the planet A-Dola. It is nice to meet you." Arram

"Planet what? Nevermind... As if kids weren't enough now you're taking in strays." Eric

Suddenly an alarm goes off alerting everyone.

"Oh thank goodness!" Stacey says bringing up a holographic screen.

The screen shows a numerous amount of tornados all around the city.

"Are you kidding me?! What is with this city?!!" Eric

"I'm pretty sure I've found the source of them. Take a look here." Stacey says magnifying the screen.

"Breeze? Since when can she summon that many tornados?" Lynx

"Breeze? First Tsunami now going by Cold Front and now her? That's 2 out of the 3 siblings." Leonis

"Well what are you two waiting for?! Go handle it!" Eric says to Sky and Leonis.

Stacey pulls down the holographic screen then turns to her team.

"Our first priority are the people so Here's how it goes. Road Burn and Charger will take care of the tornados. Insight, Phoenix and Power Surge will secure every civilian along with the agents on the field." Stacey

"Wait how am I suppose to handle a tornado again?" Charger

"Run the opposite direction it spins." Road Burn

"Oh yes of course." Charger

"If I may, I can create a force shield around the said tornado in order to cease its function." Arram

"Do what now?" Power Surge

"He can help." Lynx

"Oh yes of course." Power Surge

"Thank you Arram that would be much appreciated." Stacey

"You know, Arram is nice and all since it's your name but its to formal. How about we call you... Ā-Ram?" Power Surge

"Ā-Ram? I do not understand." Arram

"A code name that benefits your character or in your case, your name." Stacey

"I see... Agreed." Arram

"Alright then. Alliance! Get to it!" Stacey

They all race out of the room to protect the city.

"Wait!! Hey!! Not you!! I meant... Whoa!" Eric would begin to say but feels himself get lifted off of the ground by his shirt.

He looks over to see that it is Leonis that is responsible.

"L-Leonis?! What're you doing?! Release me!" Eric

"You're way to tense and I'm hungry. Come on and let's go watch them go to work in the cafeteria. You could use a few calories while we're at it." Leonis says throwing Eric over his shoulder and leading him out of the room.

"OI! Let me go ya mangey feline!" Eric

Leonis ignores him and continues on. Before Sky exits he looks back at Stacey, smiles and follows Leonis and Eric.

"Just another day." Sky

Guardian Alliance Book #1Where stories live. Discover now