33. Trouble At Sea

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On his way back to New York, Sigma intercepts a distress signal from a freighter a few miles off the coast of North Carolina. The freighter comes into view and Sigma is somewhat surprised at what he sees.

"A Kraken?.... Why am I surprised?" Sigma

Already on the freighter attempting to save it is a young archer code named, Insight. She wears a yellow sleeveless shirt, a blue skirt, a pair of yellow knee high boots, blue gloves that covers her hands and has on a blindfold. She uses a quiver full of arrows ready for multiple kinds of occasions. She mostly uses her explosive arrows on the tentacles but they would regenerate each time.

"This is getting a little to repetitive!" Insight

Shuriken suddenly came flying in, stuck onto a few tentacles and explodes a few seconds later.

"Well I'll be... Where'd you come from ninja boy?" Insight asks just before Sigma lands beside her.

The tentacles regenerated right away.

"I just happen to be in the area. You?" Sigma says then draws out his sword Jiyu.

"My uh... Jet kind of, blew up..." Insight says firing a few arrows after the tentacles.

"Do tell." Sigma says as he swings his sword sending air slashes cutting the tentacles.

"I found a few of Raid's hideouts in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina so I attacked each one. Let's just say he'll need to remodel a bit sooner than he ever anticipated." Insight

"Very nice." Sigma

"That's not even the best part. I just so happened to come across something in his hideout in South Carolina... Something big. So big that I couldn't sneak it anywhere so I paid for it to get transported back to NY on this very boat but then out of no where, this little guy comes and decides to play rock the boat! My jet blew up in Georgia in an attempt to escape by the way." Insight

"Well that explains that. What did you find?" Sigma

"How about we get this little hitch hiker off first? Then I'll show and tell." Insight

"Oh yeah.... Though the regenerating thing is pretty annoying... How about a different approach?" Sigma

He then runs towards the side of the boat while slashing tentacles all the while.

"Hey! What approach?! Where you going?!" Insight

Sigma makes it to the edge and dives into the water without hesitation. He looks and immediately sees the kraken's head with its large eyes. Sigma swims in and gets up close and personal. The giant squid shifts its gaze at Sigma and let's out a roar. Realizing he's caught its attention Sigma lifts up the top part of his mask uncovering his eye area. He closes his eyes then quickly opens them back up to reveal that they changed to their bloodshot color. The Kraken's entire body shook then froze with fear, it let's out a gentle cry just before slowly releasing its grip on the entire freighter.

"What... Was that?!" Insight wonders as she watches the Kraken swim away in the deep.

Yet as one crisis gets averted another one would arise. A helicopter flies in from the distance and stops just above Insight. From the side of the helecopter the hatch door opens, a female clad in a black high tech armored suit steps in the open, jumps out of the copter and lands on the freighter.

"You wouldn't happen to be here because of that thing I took would you?" Insight asks aiming her arrow at the newest guest.

"The name's Specter and you will return what you stole. Your life will also be offered as penance." Specter said as she takes out a sickle with chain.

"Yeah that is soooo not happening." Insight

Just before Insight releases her arrow she notices Sigma leaping out from the water and landing on the boat. Specter turns to also notice Sigma but seeing him triggers an unpleasant feeling in her.

"You!!" Specter says causing Sigma to immediately snap his head up.

"Me?" Sigma

Without hesitation she throws her sickle directly at Sigma. Sigma reacts by grabbing sickle's handle in mid flight and keeping a firm grip.

"I wasn't at all thrilled when I was chosen to clean up the mess the archer made but, now that you're here... I get the opportunity to make you pay for what you did to me!" Specter says then fires a few darts after Sigma from her gauntlet.

Sigma deflects the darts with his sword and throws the sickle after its owner.

"Why does that sound oddly familiar?.... Ayda?" Sigma

"So you do remember me?... I would feel special if I wasn't so disgusted by you and that feline!" Specter says then catches her sickle.

"This vendetta of yours needs to stop! You are letting your emotions lead you down the wrong path!" Sigma

"You have no right to preach to me little boy!!" Specter says then begins to throw her sickle in different attack patterns.

Sigma would use his sword to deflect each attack from Specter and would repeatedly do so.

"I literally feel like a third wheel." Insight says as she takes aim with her bow and arrow.

Before Insight is able to fire, a handful of ninjas drop down from the helicopter above and surround her.

".... Well, at least they didn't forget about me..." Insight

Sigma continues to deflect Specter's attack but gets a few scratches in the process.

"Enough!" Sigma says as he uses the sickle's momentum against it by bringing his sword down lodging it into the deck of the boat.

"Is hatred all you feel when I am in your presence?! Can't there be Any peace between us?" Sigma

"There is only one way for you to earn my forgiveness... Cut away all of the feline's nine lives! Only then, will I accept you!" Specter

"You know that will never happen." Sigma

"Then neither shall your forgiveness!" Specter

"Before you make another move you should know... You need to hire better help." Sigma

Specter pauses for a moment and slowly turns her head to see that there is an arrow head pointed directly at her head.

"Hey there. Your friends were boring so I thought I'd come over and join the fun." Insight

Specter looks behind of Insight to see the ninjas that accompanied her are lying on the ground unconscious. Specter then activates the thrusters on her jet pack, Insight quickly backflips out of the thruster's reach, Specter flies up, unlodges her sickle and enters the helicopter. Insight aims her arrow up at the helicopter but Sigma quickly pushes the bow down stopping Insight's intentions. They both watch as the helicopter flies off with Specter standing at the opening.

"Hey!" Said the captain of the ship.

They both turn to see him walk in from the other side of the freighter with an angry look on his face.

"Thanks for saving us and all but our turbines are damaged, the hull is a wreck AND we're taking in water!! So.... Who do I send the bill out to?" Captain.

Insight looks at Sigma while twiddling her fingers together.

"I uh... Left my checkbook in my, jet... Heheh...." Insight

Sigma just simply takes a deep breathe and shakes his head.

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