23. Blood Lust

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Sigma has his silver sword unsheathed over his right shoulder and his left arm rests on his crimson sword. Intake remains in his frozen state the entire time that he is starting at Sigma.

"-Wh.. What is this?... Why am I so.. Afraid?!... I'm taller than he is yet, why do I feel like I'm the 1 being looked down at?!-" Intake wonders through his thoughts.

Sigma slowly looks over at the people unconscious, Road Burn, Power Surge and ends his gaze at Lynx.

"-Wait.. Wait I.. I have powers! I don't need to be afraid right?!.. Yeah... Just keep your cool.-" Intake said in his thoughts.

Intake decides to use his speed to get around Sigma, then use his strength to grab hold of him and literally squeeze the life out of him. Though The moment he reaches out to grab Sigma he instantly realizes that he has nothing but air in his clutch.

".....Huh?" Intake

He then looks up to see Sigma kneeling in front of Lynx examining the yellow chain attached to her neck.

"... What?.. How did..?" Intake

Sigma didn't pay Intake any mind as he passes his hand through the chain.

".... Hey!.. How did, you do that?!... Answer me!" Intake

"The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks." Sigma

".... Did.. Did you just call me a small dog?... Do I look like a chihuahua to you?!" Intake

"You're still barking." Sigma

"OK, that tears it!" Intake

Once again Intake tries his luck at Sigma, yet as he grabs for him he feels nothing but air and Sigma is no where in his line of sight. Intake is unaware that just a few inches above him Sigma is in a motion, upside down, sword across his chest and halfway in its sheath. The moment Intake's motion comes to an end is a few seconds after Sigma lands and as Sigma fully sheaths his blade Intake hears a sound to his ears that triggers something in his thoughts. Intake looks down and sees that his chains fell to the ground broken and they eventually vanish out of sight.

"Wh... Wh-wh-wh-wh.... What?... How?! That's no..." Intake

"Those chains of yours are meant to control the ones that they are attached to... How are you able to do that when you aren't able to control yourself?" Sigma asks as Intake begins to ramble to himself.

"You have never heard that sound before have you?... The sight of your chains falling, the sound of them rattling as they hit the ground..... Or have you?" Sigma

"No.. You... You you you you.... YOU!!" Intake said as he swings his left hand around and was able to grab Sigma by his right wrist.

Intake couldn't believe what he had just done. He was finally able to lay a hand on the one he deemed untouchable.

"Hah... Ahaha!.. Well how do you like that, hm?! Not so tough now are y....!!" Intake said but suddenly stops the moment he felt a rapidly growing pain inside his chest.

Intake's grip on Sigma slowly came loose but Sigma wouldn't allow that since he grabs on to Intake's wrist and tightens his grip.

"You want to drain every ounce of energy out of every living being. You want to control everything, everyone by means of chains! Whatever happened to you as a child, teenager, as of late it must have been a tragedy but let me make something clear to you and please do listen carefully!..." Sigma said as he struggles to stay on his feet and drops to one knee as Intake drops to both knees.

Intake's eyes are wide open, his vains becoming visible turning a dark green and his body trembles in pain. Just before Sigma continues he opens his mask to reveal his eyes which are bloodshot red and his voice becomes filled with rage.

"Your ability is that of greed! You take and take until there is nothing left but what if you got your hands on something that you could not handle? Something that you can only control with that of my families blood?!... You layed your hands on my comrades and planned to leave them for dead but the best part, the absolute best part?... You wanted more, from her... You became to greedy and thought you could do as you please but the one thing you didn't count on the one thing you couldn't see coming.... Is me!" Sigma

Sigma swiftly unsheathes his silver sword, raises it above his head and swings it down with every attempt to slice Intake from head to toe straight down the middle.

"Stop!!" Allana

Sigma immediately snaps back to his senses, looks over his left shoulder and sees Allana standing not to far from him. Sigma then released his grip, Intake falls to the ground completely, Sigma cuts the chains with his sword and his eyes turn back to normal.

".... Of course I lose my cool.... Damned curse..." Sigma

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