58. No Breaks

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"Explain yourself Lieutenant Allone. What is the meaning of this?" A-Ram asks as he lands in between of Stacey and Lynx.

"Explain myself? Since you obviously arent in the know allow me to illuminate the situation! High councilman member and your close ally Abdua has been placed under arrest for conspiring against her own people! And you being her direct underling are hereby wanted for questioning back at our home world A-Dola!! The question is... Are you going to come quietly? Or will there be a need for force?" Allone

"Wait what? I thought you were here to find that metal shapeshifter." Stacey

"Metal what?" Lynx

"I'll explain later." Stacey

"That is also of importance so we will obviously accomplish both this day." Allone

A-Ram crosses his arms and lowers his head. Not a moment later did he begin to chuckle and it would immediately anger Allone.

"And just what is so funny?" Allone

A-Ram doesn't answer rather, he unfolds his left arm, extends his open hand, a holographic screen appears, a being with long silver hair and 3 black lines vertically over the left eye is shown.

"Former councilman Abdua?! That's not possible! I made sure to block all in and outcoming communications between this planet and A-Dola except for messeges of our frequency!" Allone

"I figured that was your doing. This is a recorded messege." A-Ram says then plays the messege.

"Arram.... I'm afraid I do not have much time. A conspiracy has been brought about against me and it threatens my seat of high influence. I have a high belief that it originated from council member Afrell and his chosen 2nd, 1st Lieutenant Allone. It is also a guarantee that you will be targeted by them so it is with a heavy heart... That I hearby terminate all affiliations with you..... You are hearby now declared, Rogue. Good luck. My heart is with you." Said Abdua's recorded messege.

A-Ram closes his hand, the holographic screen vanishes and he folds back his left arm.

"In other words you can't accuse A-Ram of anything." Stacey

"In other more words.... Suck it!" Lynx says with a smile.

Allone doesn't respond but rather clenches both his teeth and fist out of anger.

"What's the matter Allone? You look quite upset. Truth be told.... I am also quite angry myself." A-Ram says as his blue energy aura appears around him.

"Hah!... In a last effort to protect her highest ranking loyal dog she turns you into a freelance rogue! Did she really think that would stop me from taking you in?!" Allone

"No I suppose not... But there is an intriguing coded messege attached to the recorded one. It said... 'The one who arrested Abdua was Allone. She cooperated without resistance, but that didn't stop him. Please save her.'..... Now tell me Allone, why would I receive a messege like that?" A-Ram asks then unfolds his arms having them hang at his sides.

Assam tightly clenches his fist out of anger and begins to grind his teethe. Seeing Assam's expression brought a big smile to Allone's face but it wouldn't last very long. Without warning, Lynx connects with a hard right to the side of Allone's face and sends him flying into a nearby docked airplane. This action changes Assam's expression to surprised and the 2nd Lieutenant's expression to complete shock.

"Now you've done it.... Not only did you ignore her challenge but you also told us what kind of person you are... You're the type to abuse your power on the powerless. In other words you're scum. No one on this team agrees with your ideals but there isn't anyone here that doesn't despise your type more than the little lion herself, Lynx." Stacey

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