47. Teamwork

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Lyx and Seraiah's stare down intensifies the longer they look into each other's eyes. That is, until Lynx makes her way to the edge and jumps off of the roof to face Seismic.

"And just where do you think you are going?!" Ēther

The moment that Ēther tried to make a move for Lynx she is stopped by a purple beam cutting her off from that direction. She looks over to see Seraiah's hand pointed out at her with a purple aura flowing from it.

"You dare get in my way?! Fine! I'll deal with you first!" Ēther says giving Seraiah her full attention.

"Heh.. So you'll be my dance partner eh Lynx?" Seismic

"Well it only makes sense since I'll have trouble getting close to the airhead." Lynx

"Haha! Yeah that's true! This uprgrade we got is pretty wild.. Can't wait to see what I can really do." Seismic

"Wait.. You haven't tested out your ability yet? You do realize that you have the ability to manipulate earth right?" Lynx

"I know right? Didn't have much time to practice so consider this a field test! Thank you in advance for your participation!" Seismic says then gets to 1 knee.

"On the bright side... This should be fun.." Lynx says to herself.

Seismic places both of his hands on the ground, takes a deep breath and then closes his eyes to focus. Seconds later the ground would begin to shake steadly, but Lynx quickly braces herself the moment she feels the tremors grow worse. A few moments later the tremors die down giving Lynx a steady footing again.

"Please tell me that's the upgrade." Lynx

Seismic smiles, opens his eyes and would get to his feet. He would then slowly raise both of his hands, the ground begins to crack in multiple places in the surrounding area, those cracks turn into large pieces of solid ground that would slowly rise up and levitate off of the ground.

"..... Ofcourse not...." Lynx

One by one Seismic would send a piece of solid ground flying after Lynx. Lynx uses her agility to avoid each piece, but Seismic would quickly switch up his tactics and sends all of the pieces after Lynx. Lynx notices that she would be unable to avoid them all so she stands her ground and punches each one that comes near her to pieces.

"Phew! What a warm up! Now let's get a bit more serious!" Seismic says just before Lynx punches the last ground piece.

"You better not wreck the city in the process!" Lynx

"No promises!" Seismic

Seismic would then lift up his left leg, tenses and stomps the ground with great might. This would send a large land fissure directly for Lynx. Lynx could avoid the land fissure but instead she decides to retaliate against it. She quickly raises her right leg, tenses and stomps the ground with great might of her own and would in turn create a land fissure of her own. The 2 fissures travel along the ground, clash with each other and would ultimately cancel each other out.

"Ok... I've had just about enough of this." Lynx says then cracks her knuckles.

She then begins to walk towards Seismic.

"Hand to hand? I don't see why not!" Seismic says then begins to walk towards Lynx.

Seismic winds up his right arm and Lynx arches back her left arm. The moment they arrive with in striking distance of each other they simultaneously throw a punch witch collide with each other. The collision shakes the ground beneath their feet but they both keep their balance. They raise their other hands, form fists and repeat the previous action of collision. They both release their collided fists and instantly grapple each other's hands. The grapple gets more and more intense to the point that the ground beneath their feet starts to crater in from the weight. The crater grows deeper and wider as if the mass between Lynx and Seismic were compressed with in their bodies and they had instinctively let it loose.

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